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Thread: Trail at Elk Mountain summit

  1. #1
    bleys's Avatar
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    Trail at Elk Mountain summit

    Trail at Elk Mountain summit
    Nikon D60, 18-55MM@18MM, f/9, 1/160s, ISO-200

    Title pretty much explains it...please C&C like crazy. The more the merrier.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Trail at Elk Mountain summit


    I'll start the ball rolling....

    Not a lot to say though, I like it, a lot - colours, exposure, etc, etc.
    Only minor suggestion is to clone away the bright twig visible in extreme top right corner so it is just foliage we can see.

    This is a well observed and captured scene with a very good composition that I cannot suggest an improvement for.

    It is the kind of shot I still have problems even 'seeing' when I'm out, despite trying.

    9/10 (there must be something wrong with it even if I haven't spotted it )


  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Trail at Elk Mountain summit

    Yes I agree with zapping that twig. Very small but rather irrating. I might also have a go at the very tall grass stalk on the extreme left side of the skyline. But these are very minor points.

    I must have been difficult to decide what was level on a path like that; but I think you have got it correct. I notice the path has those horrible ankle scraping iron stakes to hold the step boards in place; I've lost plenty of skin to those things in the past!

    As Dave says, a good all round effort.

  4. #4
    martianpictlover2's Avatar
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    Re: Trail at Elk Mountain summit

    Sorry Bleys.
    I give it just 3/10.
    That said, I wonder just why you thought to shoot such a mundane view of 'what'?
    I really think you need to be more selective in what you submit.
    Now them's fighting words, but, well this old bloke has been around with a camera since Adam and yes you can let off the shutter anytime now you have a Nikon D60 + gizmo.
    I cannot for the life of me see what others are seeing in this shot.
    Can you tell me what it takes to shoot this kind of image?
    Ok that's me for today.
    Fire away....

  5. #5
    martianpictlover2's Avatar
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    Re: Trail at Elk Mountain summit

    Toss it out quick if you don't agree.
    Last edited by martianpictlover2; 23rd February 2010 at 05:46 AM. Reason: Can't load a photo

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Trail at Elk Mountain summit

    Hi Noel,

    Do you not think there is a skill in taking a good shot (as opposed to a snapshot*) of something mundane?
    Is that not why most of us are here; to improve our shooting skills?

    * I can think of any number of errors that could have been in this shot, but are not.

    Here at CiC, we prefer to concentrate on constructive criticism; in particular, that which will be helpful to the image poster.


  7. #7

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    Re: Trail at Elk Mountain summit

    When I first saw this I thought, yes nicely exposed, colours are vibrant and green and blue complement each other BUT then what? There dosen't seem to be anything to focus on, nothing to hold the attention. The path leads into the frame but then there is nothing at the end.

    I know that sometimes I see something that I think will make a good shot only to look at it on the PC and think why did I do that


  8. #8
    bleys's Avatar
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    Re: Trail at Elk Mountain summit

    I think this shot for me is an exercise on composition. I agree, the subject may be a little boring or mundane, but I think I at least accomplished composition, which I feel good about. What this does give me is a sense of what I have to work on, I guess.

    This was really the best that the Elk Mountain trail gave me. Or maybe it was only what I could see. It always seems, however, that you think of a million different angles and compositions after the fact.

    In the end I'm still a student of the art of photography. It really isn't an easy task to bring all the necessary elements together to make a great photo--sometimes it's your skills that hinder you and sometimes it's the physical subject or both.

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