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Ed mentioned: "I do a lot of landscape/travel photography and have found I probably do at least 90% of my shooting with the shorter zoom."
I would think that the operative factors in his statement are:
"lot of"... not exclusively landcape
"/travel photography"... not exclusively landscape
While the "kit" lenses from various manufacturers can and do provide very good I.Q. when shot around f/8 to f/11, especially when tripod mounted, these lenses, IMO, fall quite short as general purpose travel photography lenses...
Shooting at the maximum focal length with either of these lenses (as well as with most extended range zooms) provides a maximum aperture of f/5.6 which would be pitifully slow for much of my travel photography. I frequently use my 17-55mm f/2.8 IS lens wide open at f/2.8. The two full stops difference will allow a faster shutter speed, will provide a more narrow DOF (for selective focus) and the quality of the 17-55mm f/2.8 lens provides very acceptable IQ when shot wide open...
Additionally, the f/2.8 aperture is quite handy when balancing flash with available light...
PLUS... the non-rotating front element is a definite advantage when using a CPL. Additionally, you have a one to two stop light loss with that filter, If starting with a lens that is quite slow to begin with, the exposure time can become long enough the cause problems like the trees and foliage captured as fuzzy-graphs because the wind has moved them during the very long exposure...
I am not saying that the "kit" lenses are "bad" just that they do not have the versatility of faster (more expensive) glass; especially in the area of travel photography...
Nigel mentioned, "Scott Kelby I understand, went for the 28-300 so he had a lens for everything but that's a heavy piece of glass to carry."
I certainly would not choose the 28-300L lens for anything... I could carry two lenses PLUS a second camera at not much more weight than the 28-300L alone. That would give me more versatility than the 28-300L lens alone...
ADDITIONALLY: Although I have all the respect in the world for Scott as a Photoshop and photo editing guru, I really don't think that he quite holds his own as a top-notch photographer; if compared against other photographers of equivalent fame. Please don't come back at me by saying "He's better than you are!" I don't need to be a top-ranked football player to be able to contrast the capabilities of one player to those of another!