Hi Binnur,
I appreciate compliments like that, with tongue in cheek.

On a scale from 1-10 on knowledgeable about Photography I would put myself at around 4.
No, I do not post images to “teach” others, I post images to learn from others, like yourself. Photography cannot be taught. Basic principles and knowledge can be carried over and then it is up to the “learner” to apply principles and knowledge to the best of his/her ability.
That metal thing can be removed and I will do so. It is going to be a little difficult convincing a real bird to pose for the shot. I will have to build a hide and wait for a few hours to get a real model posing for the shot. Could be worth it! Shooting from a lower angle will bring many distractions into the image, a swimming pool and concrete borders – you won’t like that.
Thank you Binnur, I have learned something from your comment. Much appreciated.