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Thread: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

  1. #1

    Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    I. Just. Don't. Know.
    Elegence...subduded   C&C Welcome

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    Very nice, did you crop this image? Very tight cropping, did you get more of the cast shadow?

  3. #3

    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    Thanks John. There were 3 people on the right but slightly closer to me, so while they were all in focus, I didn't have their feet.
    As it is, this person is almost stepping out of the photo.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    Just a few thoughts, Jack.

    I wonder if you could crop tighter to lose the figures on the left; maybe 2 x 3 ratio? Normally I don't like that size but wonder if it might actually work in this case. If those figures on the left were walking the other way it might work better but at the moment I find them a little distracting.

    And reducing the background could add to the mystery of this figure in black.

    I'm almost tempted to try one of the 'artistic conversions' in this particular case. Something else which I don't usually do; but Sharon produces some excellent results from images like this.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    I like the people in the rear; they're going in the opposite direction, contrasting very nicely the subject's direction and demeanor.

    If you could allow at least a little more space at the bottom, that would be great. Also make the strong vertical lines straight; they're tilted to the right.

  6. #6

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    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    Very interesting figure, Jack. I agree with Mike's comments. Also, I would clone out that fraction of something protruding into the left of the frame - about knee height.

  7. #7

    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    I straightened the image, added a bit more to the bottom of the image and cropped the left only slightly.
    Elegence...subduded   C&C Welcome

  8. #8

    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    Geoff, thanks. I too like the receding figures, especially since they are almost exactly midsection to the main figure.

    Mike, thanks again. I did as you suggested, I too was a bit bothered by the narrowness of the bottom of the image.

    Greg, thanks. Done and done. (I think you mean into the right of the scene, but the subject's left.)

  9. #9
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    Jack, you now need to deal with the white strips (top left and right) from rotating the image. If it were mine I would also tone down the white truck and the white strip below the newspaper, which are both quite distracting.


  10. #10

    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    Phillip...doh! I can't believe I didn't catch the strips after rotating it (thought I got it all). Thanks. As for the truck and stripe, let me see what I can do. Thanks again.

  11. #11

    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    How's this one?
    Elegence...subduded   C&C Welcome

  12. #12

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Elegence...subduded C&C Welcome

    Big improvement, Jack.

    Remember that the brightest parts of the image always attract our eye first. Accordingly, tone done the bright area of the woman's coat on the left and perhaps the truck on the right.

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