Wonderful composition! Considering that her face is immersed in the newspaper, I'd like to see more detail in her face. Also, though less important, in the detail of her clothes. As it is, the first thing that I see are the bright tones behind her.
Try using a different color as a filter when converting to color. Green is usually good for caucasian skin tones. However considering that they are such a small portion of the image, try using whatever method makes the subject the first thing that we see rather than the windows and floor behind her.
I like it John,I agree with Mike about bright tones.
John, excellent. I really like the image of the sole woman standing in what appears to be a rope line. Looks like she was fairly well back lit? For me I would try to pull a little more detail out of her clothing and face. Maybe shadow recovery? Great shot nonetheless.
Good composition, John...I like it the way it is, a bit of shadow, a bit of light, reflections looks good...it will be nice if you can put some texture to her dress though...
Clever title, John. Lost in the reading and lost in the passageway.
I like this shot just as it is. The light from the left reveals enough detail in the figure for me. What I see as important is the maze of ropes and stands, and the lines of lights above her, which force her into a particular path but which she rejects with her casual stance. I think that body pose is more important then detail. However, I am interested to see the next edit.
Dear John,
For your new edit, did you also change the overall levels? the contrast? Somehow, and it could just be my eyes, the whites seem brighter, so it is still the bright spots that i look at first.
Or, did you isolate the woman and lighten the midtones on her only? I liked your first image as it was - a bit of dodge on the woman's face and strategic parts of her attire would have done it.
I think my eyes are going....