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Thread: Daffodil

  1. #1
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    They're out and I managed to grab a few from the garden to continue my theme of photographing what I grow - I've been practising with the photo stacking again too and here is the result (or one that I kept anyway). This was about 8 photos - I am really experimenting with this so anyone who knows whether 8 is enough, if enough if a valid concept, please let me know.

    Also thoughts on composition and lighting welcome - this was sunlit and in true British style unreliable but I like the way only the sun seems to give the translucence.


    Hopefully some hyacinths to come over the weekend

  2. #2

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    Re: Daffodil

    Hi Kaye,very nice and refreshing colours Have you tried rotating it just a little bit counterclockwise to get the central part of the flower to the top right corner ? It might look better but I'm not sure about it.

  3. #3
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil


    Very nice. I do not consider 'enough' is a valid concept but in this shot it may have been advantageous to ensure that the end of the stigma was fully sharp and defined, it appears that you may have just missed this.

    As for the number of shots being adequate it's all down to the aperture you are using, the overlap and whether that will cover the full DoF that you require. Personally I like shots such as this with minimum DoF.

    What aperture were you using?


  4. #4
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    Very nice. I especially adore the composition and soft yellow colour.

  5. #5
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Have you tried rotating it just a little bit counterclockwise to get the central part of the flower to the top right corner ? .
    Thanks for the thought, I'll try that later

  6. #6
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post

    Very nice. I do not consider 'enough' is a valid concept but in this shot it may have been advantageous to ensure that the end of the stigma was fully sharp and defined, it appears that you may have just missed this.
    - I found getting the focus at the end of the stigma very difficult - it may have just been tired eyes.

    [/QUOTE]As for the number of shots being adequate it's all down to the aperture you are using, the overlap and whether that will cover the full DoF that you require. Personally I like shots such as this with minimum DoF.

    What aperture were you using?

    Grahame[/QUOTE] I was using a very wide aperture at 2.8 - I may try something different later and also see whether that helps with the focussing. Thanks for your comments - v helpful

  7. #7
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Very nice. I especially adore the composition and soft yellow colour.
    Thanks Christina - I agree about the colour, there is something about spring yellow that is so cheerful

  8. #8
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Very nice. I especially adore the composition and soft yellow colour.
    Thanks Christina - I agree about the colour, there is something about spring yellow that is so cheerful

  9. #9
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaye Leggett View Post
    - I found getting the focus at the end of the stigma very difficult - it may have just been tired eyes.
    As for the number of shots being adequate it's all down to the aperture you are using, the overlap and whether that will cover the full DoF that you require. Personally I like shots such as this with minimum DoF.

    What aperture were you using?

    Grahame[/QUOTE] I was using a very wide aperture at 2.8 - I may try something different later and also see whether that helps with the focussing. Thanks for your comments - v helpful[/QUOTE]

    Hi Kaye,

    Not sure what lens you are using but at 2.8 you are going to get a minimal DoF and some may even say opened up that wide it could be soft. I suspect if using a macro you would achieve that shot somewhere between f11 to 16 if you wanted to retain the focus in just that area.

    If I was going to focus stack I would aim to use the sweet spot of the lens as a rough guess around f8/f11.


  10. #10
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    I say all the best things about of the best mesmerizing shot of the Heart of a flower, i have seen so far....

  11. #11
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post

    Not sure what lens you are using but at 2.8 you are going to get a minimal DoF and some may even say opened up that wide it could be soft. I suspect if using a macro you would achieve that shot somewhere between f11 to 16 if you wanted to retain the focus in just that area.

    If I was going to focus stack I would aim to use the sweet spot of the lens as a rough guess around f8/f11.

    Thanks for the feedback Grahame - I will try a smaller aperture - hopefully tomorrow I am going to get time to 'play'

  12. #12
    Ken Curtis's Avatar
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    Re: Daffodil

    Hi Kaye.

    I assume that for each of the 8 shots you varied the focus slightly. Based on my experience, I would have thought you could get much more of the flower sharp after stacking. One possibility is that you are too close to the flower and no matter what you do, the lens can not focus sharply.

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