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Thread: Sounds Crazy But...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Sounds Crazy But...

    I was having problems with opening Photoshop and Bridge as well as navigating around those programs, I was also having problems with my keyboard skipping letters as I was typing....

    I replaced the keyboard which came with a new mouse. Of course, the typing problems were solved with the new keyboard but, as soon as I switched to the new mouse, my Photoshop and Bridge began responding better...

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    When I get problems like those you describe I recharge my mouse/keyboard batteries and everything works correctly again. But not a solution if you have cables between keyboard/mouse and computer.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    I usually just disconnect the mouse until Windows recognizes it again.

  4. #4

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    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    I've gone wireless for years without problems. As I smoke, couple time a year, I gotta clean out the keyboard guts with alcohol.

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    I have a brand new mouse, same as the last one that died, a G500s -- so it must be my keyboard giving me problems in this site.

  6. #6

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    Hi Richard,

    Wireless mice operate on the same frequencies as a zillion other things - and I suspect that interference is quite common. If you're getting issues where the pointer doesn't always move smoothly or you need to click things several times then usually it's a mouse -> transceiver comms issue. Sometimes it's batteries - sometimes is mouse to transceiver distance, in which case a USB extension cord can be very helpful.

  7. #7
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    Mouse distance to the transmitter seems to be more critical these days probably down to interference. The odd thing is that some days all is ok but at times they just stop working correctly. First suspect is usually the battery. I assume they use low power levels to make the batteries last longer. My latest mouse even goes into sleep mode and takes a split second to wake up.

    Keyboards seem to come with more powerful radio gear. Carry it away from the PC to clean it and when you take it back find that the keys still work from 10 to 20m away. Maybe this is so that GCHQ or the NSA etc can sit outside some ones house and sniff what they are typing. Mouse movements wouldn't be much use.

    I find a Sumvision SATA HDD Docking station better than a USB extension lead. They have 2 USB sockets and these are powered by the unit so none of the usual hub problems. They also have a good card reader built in. Some of my older cameras use CF cards so that is important for me. i also use the SATA dock at times. Transfer rates aren't brilliant but for back up etc that doesn't really matter. The brand name on them doesn't seem to matter. I updated my last one as I found it's colour offensive. I reckon I must have used the old one for 5 years at the very least.


  8. #8

    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    When I get problems like those you describe I recharge my mouse/keyboard batteries and everything works correctly again. But not a solution if you have cables between keyboard/mouse and computer.
    I experienced the same issue once but I'd not able to recognized it and instead rush to the nearest service center. They just replaced battery and works fine till this time.

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Richard,

    Wireless mice operate on the same frequencies as a zillion other things - and I suspect that interference is quite common. If you're getting issues where the pointer doesn't always move smoothly or you need to click things several times then usually it's a mouse -> transceiver comms issue. Sometimes it's batteries - sometimes is mouse to transceiver distance, in which case a USB extension cord can be very helpful.
    I changed batteries, which is one of the first things that I will do when a battery operated device is causing problems. The distance between the mouse/keyboard to transceiver distance is less than one-foot or .3 meter - line of sight...

    I didn't realize that my mouse was causing the problems (I though that my computer was acting up) but, I knew that my keyboard was not working correctly because I would miss many characters as I typed. Additionally, the numbers lock button was inoperative so I couldn't use the number pad. I have no earthly idea how old the mouse/keyboard combo was. I know that they were several computers old...

    However. when I changed both mouse and keyboard (keyboard and mouse were packaged together); the loss of characters while typing and the problems navigating around and accessing programs were solved. I also have my keypad back...

  10. #10
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Sounds Crazy But...

    My wireless Magic Mouse uses BlueTooth to communicate between it and other Apple devices - usually the iMac but it'll work with others. Can't think of anything that could interfere with the signal and the range is huge, certainly more than 30 feet....I might have tried when I got it. Same goes for the Track Pad and keyboard.
    Gotta say BT is rock solid.

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