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Thread: Studio Lighting Equipment Rental in Cambridgeshire, UK

  1. #1
    New Member james white's Avatar
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    Studio Lighting Equipment Rental in Cambridgeshire, UK

    Hi there,

    Can anyone recommend (or even if you can't recommend, can you name) anywhere that will rent out studio lighting gear in the Cambridge area?

    I don't ask for much, just a couple of average strobes with lightstands and umbrellas etc!

    I really just want to play around with some equipment for a day or two before I decide whether I'm going to buy this stuff or not and get a feel for what can be achieved.

    I have googled and yellow paged and just keep getting disco and theatre lights, which isn't what i want!



  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Studio Lighting Equipment Rental in Cambridgeshire, UK

    in the Cambridge area?
    Aah...Cambridge what/where?
    I am an ardent fan of pawn shops...used gear like that is often relatively inexpensive.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Lighting Equipment Rental in Cambridgeshire, UK

    Why don't you ask at your local photo retailer. One of the largest outfits where I live also has a rental business, and if they don't they might be able to direct you to one that does.

    Playing around for a day or two is likely to leave frustrated, studio lighting is not something you are going to pick up that quickly, and frankly I would suggest you start with a single light and possibly add a reflector and master those before moving on. I do use umbrellas, as they are quite portable, but perfer the control a softbox and grid spots give me.

    You will also need to look at how you are planning to trigger the strobe; while synch cords work, I'm personally a fan of radio triggers.

  4. #4
    New Member james white's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Lighting Equipment Rental in Cambridgeshire, UK

    Thanks for the warning and suggestions! I am no stranger to frustration, nor jumping in the deep end as the world flies and doesn't notice me drowning (which is sometimes a good thing!).

    I'm out in the sticks here, and I know that the one and only local retailer i have found doesn't rent, so broadened my search and am getting some kit delivered tomorrow.

    In this case the lighting is for a particular project which is happening next week whether i like it or not, so i just need to do it and try to make the most of it! This time it is purely heritage documentation so as long as i can illuminate the subject the job is done! Famous last words.

    I have some experience of OCL using a single speedlight, and i wasn't (entirely) disappointed with those results. I understand that radio systems can be really helpful but I hope that I can keep it as simple as possible with sync cords and/or ir triggering. If it is too much head ache this week i will add a radio system for next week, but ideally (ha) it will be a case of setting the lights and leaving them alone while i methodically take an awful lot of images before moving on to the next area.

    If it isn't a complete disaster I shall post an update on how i get on!

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