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Thread: Camera's AutoFocus

  1. #1
    New Member Mac Jones's Avatar
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    Camera's AutoFocus

    My camera Focuses many times back and forth without getting a focus lock(It was somewhat evening low light). I turned my flash off. But I can see my subject clearly through the viewfinder.

    Any ideas for getting focus of the subject, without using the flash.

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Camera's AutoFocus

    Use manual focusing. It is better in low light...

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Camera's AutoFocus

    A camera relies on areas of contrast or (mostly vertical) edges to lock focus, so the characteristics of the object itself may be the issue. As light levels drop, these conditions become more difficult for the camera's autofocus to resolve. I find that longer focal lengths can be problematic and this focus seeking tends to be more of an issue with longer focal length lenses with lower maximum apertures.

    Different techniques can be used; anything from illuminating the object to trying to focus manually. The appropriate method really depends on the subject and the camera you are using.

    Sorry that we can't give you a more specific answer, but you really haven't given us a lot to work with...

  4. #4
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Camera's AutoFocus

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    . . . you really haven't given us a lot to work with...

    1. What Camera?
    2. What Lens?
    3. What Flash?
    4. Any Filter on the Lens?
    5. Shooting inside or outside in the evening?
    6. What was the type of lighting?
    7. What was the Subject?


    Quote Originally Posted by Mac Jones View Post
    . . . I turned my flash off. . .
    Maybe that was a poor choice: with some dedicated flash units you can use the Flash's AUTO ASSIST to help achieve accurate Auto Focus.


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