Going on from one of Brian's recent posts about the difficulties of getting good insect shots under challenging conditions. Her are some examples from my last bug hunt; with little success.
If only they had chosen a more photographic background . . .
Eventually I found an angle which enabled me to shoot for a merge of two focus points and without too much background problems. I think they are Yamatotipula marginata.
And with constantly changing light levels I over exposed this shot, but recovered what I could to attempt an identification. But so far I can't get that correct either! And it didn't wait around for me to get closer, or to have a rethink about my exposure.
Then an interesting Caddis Fly landed at my feet; right amongst the mud and under trees which were giving heavy shade which made shooting virtually impossible without flash. And of course, flash produced too many hot spots from water drops on the wet mud.
Probably Philopotamus montanus.
So with the sky clouding over, once again, I gave up and went home. A few species were identified but definitely no prize winning photos!