Haven't posted for awhile, overawed by the excellence of all the other posts. Plus there seems to be even less hours in the day as time passes to get done what needs to be done. ( Times is fled and we are grown old!
Now as that good lad young Donald will tell you, every picture should tell a story. So here is the one to go with this one.
This is a newly hatched brown snake, about 8 to 12 inches long, with the thickness of a shoe lace. Found him wriggling around in our computer room trying to get under a filing cabinet.
For those not in the know, our Brown snakes rank as either 3 or 4 on the world heritage list of most poisonous snakes. And they can be pretty aggressive and keen to attack when cranky or annoyed, which is most of the time. When first hatched they emerge charged up and ready to go, with enough venom on tap to knock off up to 20 adults.
So, is that nasty enough for you?