Brigitte, I like this image. The sun, while very bright I find is not overpowering as it slightly softened by the tree framing it. Without the dew on the grass I'm not sure this photo would look anywhere as good as it does, they provide points of interest throughout the image. The colours are really nice and the perspective really cool.
How did you get the frog to take the photo?
Cheers, Greg
Last edited by gregj1763; 27th March 2014 at 12:19 PM.
Thank you Greg,
I also like the colours a lot, and I think the perspective in this case makes the image interesting and leave some more attention to (just) grass.
Just wondering if I should crop that dark twig on the left, I guess someone would comment on that?
I love the joke about the frog, promised to kiss him
Cheers, BrigItte
Hi Brigitte,
I like this image, too. Yes I would clone out both dark twigs because they tend to draw the eye away from the key parts of your image. If you do that, it would also be interesting to crop a little from the left, because it then becomes a rather flat area.
Personally, I find there is never a frog there when I want one.
Thank you Dave, I will try and present that soon, but have to delay it. I need some sleep now as it's the nightshift tonight.
You would kiss the frog if it would appear in case of you wanting one?^^
I like everything about this shot. The twigs I think give it balance although yes it would be nicer if the far left one was not so prominent
I tried, but she "hopped" it
What a great shot. Simple in execution, but elegant in conception.
This looks really special; loved it
Really, when I look at the new version it seems a bit empty now to me... no clue if it's the outcloned twigs I am missing...
or have I cropped too much of the lower level?
IMO too much cropping Brigitte,I think you cropped from the bottom as well and you lost the darker area at the bottom,but I think that area was necessary for the composition. How about not cropping but cloning one of the twigs and leaving the photo uncropped?I can't tell you which twig to clone because I can't guess but IMO one of the twigs has to be left in the image for balancing the composition.
Original image is quite nice - a square crop of it removing both twigs could be an alternative you may consider.
Thanks Steve,
Will think about it but now I have to hurry, getting some dull stuff managed and then the nightshift...