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Thread: Save Image to be printed in News paper

  1. #1
    Captured's Avatar
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    Save Image to be printed in News paper

    Hi -its been a while...
    Question: I have an image I took of the local wild Burros we have that come down from the canyons and graze in our little city... I posted it on our city's facebook group.. since then Ive gotten print requests and just recently was asked if it can be published in our city's newspaper.

    My question is- what is the best size file and resoltution I should send them ( the newspaper group)
    original file saved at what ppi? 72? 300? or something else?
    I am using adobe lightroom 4..
    Also sharpen output for? matte? Glossy?
    Should I still use sRGB or something else?

    thanks so much for your help

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    You should ask the newspaper how they would like the image prepared. They would be the best ones to tell you.

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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    Thanks. I tried asking the lady, that called me but she wasnt sure and she said they change it up themselves regarding the size..and she gave me their email, so I'll just email them with my questions and then send the image accordingly.

    On another note, I was also asked : What is the largest print I can get of that image..
    What are the best ways to make sure the image still looks good in a larger size.
    The person who asked would like it to be a 11x16...
    I have prints coming today of that image as 5x7's and an 8x10- a few on lustre paper and a few on Metalic...
    Hoping to see good print results, Im anxious
    sorry, I am a newbie at this, yet it is so exciting!!

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    In that case, give them the highest quality / size that you have and let their editorial / layout team take care of things. Just about any image coming out of a modern camera will easily print at 11 x 16. My wife has a nice image that she took with a 6MP cross-over camera some years ago that I've printed to 17 x 22.

  5. #5
    Captured's Avatar
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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    I have a Cannon 5D classic
    full frame- believe it to be 12.8 mp :-)

    Thanks again!

  6. #6
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    Just save it as a jpeg and send it - no point is resizing as you have no idea what size it will be printed, no point sharpening it as you have no idea what size it will be printed and frankly for a newspaper it could have been taken with a potato and would still be acceptable, don't worry about the colour space as it doesn't matter, the quality will be terrible no matter what you do with it and as to MB size save it at a medium compression so the file won't take long to send - again in a newspaper it won't matter.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    frankly for a newspaper it could have been taken with a potato and would still be acceptable.
    Robin - I had a similar thought when I responded, but couldn't bring myself to say it; although I was thinking of the bottom of a Coca Cola bottle as a lens, rather than a potato...

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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    With the 5D (12.8 mP) you should to be able to print up to 60" x 40" at 100%, (154 cm x 102cm), depending on how close that you want to view the image, and provided that you haven't cropped the photo.

    I thought that Coca Cola was only in cans or plastic bottles!

  9. #9
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken MT View Post
    I thought that Coca Cola was only in cans or plastic bottles!
    They seem to be into the "retro" look promo from time to time, so glass bottles are made available every now and then.

  10. #10
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    Re: Save Image to be printed in News paper

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    They seem to be into the "retro" look promo from time to time, so glass bottles are made available every now and then.
    I have a set of Classic Coca-Cola bottles (6pack) and another set when the Cardinals won the so called "World Series" and some sets that were put out for Christmas ... so yes, they still put out some bottled ones usually during Christmas...or a special event...

  11. #11
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    Progress of Technology

    "I thought that Coca Cola was only in cans or plastic bottles!"

    Eventually, with the proliferation of digital clocks and watches, the meaning of the terms: "clock-wise" and "counter clock-wise" will become obscured

  12. #12
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Progress of Technology

    Now its odd that you should bring that up - I've just got a Pebble Smart Watch (which is awesome by the way) and while I can chose from thousands of faces I've settled on an analogue one as I use to reading the time that way.

  13. #13
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Progress of Technology

    Quote Originally Posted by Captured
    ...Ive gotten print requests and just recently was asked if it can be published in our city's newspaper.
    Krisztina, are they planning to pay you for the image? I ask because my stuff has appeared in print, and especially online, multiple times with no permission, and it's a bit of a shock to the system. If an image is worth printing, it's worth paying for, and should be paid for.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver
    They seem to be into the "retro" look promo from time to time, so glass bottles are made available every now and then.
    Mexican versions of Coke and Pepsi come in glass bottle which they simply wash and re-use. And they're sweetened with cane sugar. Beats the crap out of the domestic stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    I've just got a Pebble Smart Watch (which is awesome by the way) and while I can chose from thousands of faces I've settled on an analogue one as I use to reading the time that way.
    One of my old phones could do that. There's lovely, geeky humor in displaying analog hands on a digital screen.

  14. #14
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Progress of Technology

    Quote Originally Posted by RustBeltRaw View Post
    One of my old phones could do that. There's lovely, geeky humor in displaying analog hands on a digital screen.
    There's a technical term for that: skeuomorphism; and seems to be out of vogue amongst designers these days.

  15. #15
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    Re: Progress of Technology

    I know Apple, or at least Ive's, have gone very 'flat' with their current OS but Microsoft have gone one further with WP8 which is brutal in its simplicity. I sit somewhere in the middle, I didn't like the twee bookshelves in the older iOS iBooks app but I do like that they have kept an analogue face on the clock app.

    I have completely fallen in love with the Pebble. Its a simple, smart watch that doesn't try too hard. The really fancy touch screen, colour offerings that are surfacing will get better but aren't there quite yet - Android building into their latest platform will help and I have to say the images appearing of the Motorola 360 do look promising. I won't shift platforms so I am quietly curious to see what Apple come up with and how well it works as a day-to-day watch. Where Pebble got it right is the 5-7 day battery life.

  16. #16
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    Re: Progress of Technology

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    There's a technical term for that: skeuomorphism; and seems to be out of vogue amongst designers these days.
    I think I have a new favorite word!

  17. #17
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Progress of Technology

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    I know Apple, or at least Ive's, have gone very 'flat' with their current OS but Microsoft have gone one further with WP8 which is brutal in its simplicity. I sit somewhere in the middle, I didn't like the twee bookshelves in the older iOS iBooks app but I do like that they have kept an analogue face on the clock app.

    I have completely fallen in love with the Pebble. Its a simple, smart watch that doesn't try too hard. The really fancy touch screen, colour offerings that are surfacing will get better but aren't there quite yet - Android building into their latest platform will help and I have to say the images appearing of the Motorola 360 do look promising. I won't shift platforms so I am quietly curious to see what Apple come up with and how well it works as a day-to-day watch. Where Pebble got it right is the 5-7 day battery life.
    Scott Forstall loved skeuomorphism and Jonathen Ives hates it. Forstall's gone from Apple, so Ive's vision predominates both the hardware and software design.

    Personally, I tend to prefer the simpler approach; I much prefer Bauhaus to Baroque. I have never quite understood why someone would design a program using a computer interface that requires the user to turn a virtual knob when a slider is so much easier to manipulate with a mouse.

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Progress of Technology

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    I know Apple, or at least Ive's, have gone very 'flat' with their current OS but Microsoft have gone one further with WP8 which is brutal in its simplicity.
    Interestingly, iOS 7 took a little while to "feel like a good fit" for me, but now I can't even remember what the old UI used to look like. For those who aren't aware, Apple released iOS 7.1 the other day with some very sexy UI tweaks - love it!

    Back to the OP ...

    Definitely save to sRGB (just trust me on that). Sharpen to taste if you wish (I would). Save as a JPEG (it'll keep the size down for eMailing without losing quality). Don't worry about the "PPI / DPI" - it's just a number that doesn't have any effect on image size or quality (providing the image isn't resampled at the same time).

    Hope this helps

  19. #19
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Progress of Technology

    7.1 has some fantastic tweaks and I didn't know about all of these:

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