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Thread: Can anyone identify this?

  1. #1
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Can anyone identify this?

    I found this low growing plant on the side of our entrance gate. The flowers are bell shaped and last for about a week before they fall off. The branches have sharp sticky points.
    This is just an archival shot for identification purposes.
    Can anyone identify this?

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    I've seen this kind of flower before somewhere....and no I cannot ID it but I can tell you that I like the dew drops shot...did you spray this before you took the shot? Just curious...

  3. #3
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    ..did you spray this before you took the shot? Just curious...
    No, I saw these flowers purely by accident when I walked out after it had been raining all night. Just went back inside to get my camera.

  4. #4
    Gigi71's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Kris, could you take one more picture of the leafs?

  5. #5
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigi71 View Post
    Kris, could you take one more picture of the leafs?
    Here is one I took the same day - with some of the leaves included.
    Can anyone identify this?
    Hope it's sufficient.
    If not, I'll take some other pics tomorrow minus the flowers-they're gone.
    I'm not home right now.

  6. #6
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Kris ... there was another one you've missed in this photo-op -- the spider and its web. 'Hope you did get that one.

  7. #7
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Kris ... there was another one you've missed in this photo-op -- the spider and its web. 'Hope you did get that one.
    I try to stay away from spiders - even little ones. I have a major spider phobia. Don't even like to look at their pictures.
    Before I took this picture, I made my husband look to see if there was spider at home----looks like there wasn't.

  8. #8
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris V View Post
    I try to stay away from spiders - even little ones. I have a major spider phobia. Don't even like to look at their pictures.
    Before I took this picture, I made my husband look to see if there was spider at home----looks like there wasn't.
    Kris, sounds like you didn't have kids that grew up playing with slippery worms and delights from catching frogs in the backyard nor ones that sat down on the fish pond after being dressed up to go somewhere very important...

  9. #9
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Kris, sounds like you didn't have kids that grew up playing with slippery worms and delights from catching frogs in the backyard nor ones that sat down on the fish pond after being dressed up to go somewhere very important...
    My kids (both girls) played with frogs, worms, caterpillars, they had an ant farm, and both had pet mice. Actually so did m brother and I. (long time ago!)
    Dressed up? School uniforms, clean jeans or a riding outfit was what day considered dressed up.
    They just knew spiders were off-limits. Once they were old enough to start horseback riding, they forgot all about the little critters.
    2 of my grandchildren have a pet iguana.
    I just have this thing about spiders......
    Last edited by Kris V; 1st April 2014 at 07:51 PM.

  10. #10
    Gigi71's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    I am sorry Kris, tried to find those blossoms in the web, failed to find exactly these. Probably it's wiser if you search yourself, there are plant-identify-programms where you can put all descriptions, shape, colour, habits, character of buds and blossoms, leafs, stems and so on. Makes more sense also as you have seen it "live" and have additional information about size and other details. And you are there where they grow - on Planet Earth - Texas Maybe this one just doesn't grow here, but at this point I don't want to miss to tell you that I find this blossom very enchanting, bell-shape, colour white with a slight pink, combined with the green of the leafs, I like that a lot, like a plant out of a fairy tale
    Cheers, Gigi

  11. #11
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigi71 View Post
    I am sorry Kris, tried to find those blossoms in the web, failed to find exactly these. Probably it's wiser if you search yourself, there are plant-identify-programms where you can put all descriptions, shape, colour, habits, character of buds and blossoms, leafs, stems and so on. Makes more sense also as you have seen it "live" and have additional information about size and other details. And you are there where they grow - on Planet Earth - Texas Maybe this one just doesn't grow here, but at this point I don't want to miss to tell you that I find this blossom very enchanting, bell-shape, colour white with a slight pink, combined with the green of the leafs, I like that a lot, like a plant out of a fairy tale
    Cheers, Gigi
    Hi Gigi,
    I did a google search with different keywords. I found out that if you use white and bell-shaped you get a lot of pictures of Lily-of-the-valley.
    I did see a few pictures that were close, but not exactly the same.
    That's when I finally decided to post it here, hoping that someone might recognize it.
    Thanks for trying to help!

  12. #12
    Gigi71's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    Maybe you found a new variety!

  13. #13
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: Can anyone identify this?

    You need to look at your picture a little more closely. The spider is most certainly at home.

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