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Thread: Fact or Fallacy or....

  1. #21
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Color Space Fact or Fallacy or Suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by dabhand View Post
    The paradox of photography (1) - photographers have always seen unprecedented developments in equipment and technology yet the perception of image quality has always been rooted in their past.

    The paradox of photography (2) - greater freedom to travel and the rapid changes in technology offer endless opportunities to try new techniques, constantly trying new techniques means means few, if any, are actually mastered.

    The paradox of photography (3) - the more available to the general public photography becomes, the tighter the definition of what makes a 'good' photographer becomes.

    Also, new techniques take some time before they are accepted; if ever.

  2. #22
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Color Space Fact or Fallacy or Suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    That rapid improvement in technology has made it easier for moms and pops to take quite decent vacation pictures...has eased their reliance on the left brain (the technical aspects of photography).
    However, it has done nothing at all to improve the right brain, if it exists in some folks, and it's ability to see/take a great picture.
    We have not yet reached the point that the camera will deny the clown's right (the one behind the viewer) to take a bad/ugly picture.
    Sometimes it's easier, I still get people handing me their iphones to take a photo and they expect me; who doesn't own one, to know how it operates and how to handle difficult situations.

  3. #23
    yogirajj's Avatar
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    Re: Color Space Fact or Fallacy or Suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by dabhand View Post
    The paradox of photography (1) - photographers have always seen unprecedented developments in equipment and technology yet the perception of image quality has always been rooted in their past.

    The paradox of photography (2) - greater freedom to travel and the rapid changes in technology offer endless opportunities to try new techniques, constantly trying new techniques means means few, if any, are actually mastered.

    The paradox of photography (3) - the more available to the general public photography becomes, the tighter the definition of what makes a 'good' photographer becomes.

    Sooo very true... So true...

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