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Thread: At first, I thought this was useless...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    At first, I thought this was useless...

    I shoot RAW and seldom, if ever need a JPEG SOOC. However, when I visited my wife's family in Texas, I wanted to leave them some JPEG images so I shot RAW + JPEG and downloaded the JPEGs to my sister-in-law's computer.

    However, with the in-camera RAW conversion to JPEG that is now available for the Canon 7D through the last firmware upgrade, I could have done some rough post processing on the couple of images that I was leaving with them...

    I cannot see any other way I would use that capability which is also available in the 60D, 70D and 5Diii. It would be a lot slower since I batch process many of my RAW images...

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: At first, I thought this was useless...


    Interesting. Thanks for posting. I have that capability on my camera but never investigated it.


  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: At first, I thought this was useless...

    I kind of think that this is like the print from camera capability which I have never used nor do I ever contemplate using...

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Larry Saideman

    Re: At first, I thought this was useless...

    I use in camera raw conversion at times for a couple of reasons. One is to see if a, for example, underexposed image may look with some adjustments later on. Like an lcd + . Also, there are times I want to see the Nikon colors which I can only get in jpegs since I use Adobe.

  5. #5

    Re: At first, I thought this was useless...

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I kind of think that this is like the print from camera capability which I have never used nor do I ever contemplate using...
    This is my view of it too. If I urgently wanted to leave an image with someone I think I would go the RAW + JPEG route. The idea of trying to do any meaningful editing on my camera sounds as painful as trying to do it on my mobile phone.

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