Originally Posted by
John 2
Debbie, not sure what is going on there. But let's take it in turn.
Your ruler should follow your image size automatically i.e. the zero should always line up with the edge of your image (or canvas if you have a border). If the image on the screen is smaller than the space available, the ruler will show minus quantities to the left. That's normal and if you think about it, any measurement you may want to make almost certainly, needs to be relative to the edge of the image.
I can't reproduce your other problem but as a starter for ten, you can try to reset the workspace to its default. To do this, left click on "Edit", "Preferences" and then select "Interface". In the middle box there is an option to "Restore Default Workspaces". That should take you back to square one. You will probably find that all of your palettes disappear but just go into "Window" and select those that you want in your workspace, push them together to lock them together. You can swop the order and size them first. I always like to have a large history palette for instance. Then left click on the top bar of the palette set and drag it to where ever suites you. Hope this solves your problem.