Originally Posted by
Geoff F
I have never seen eggs like that coming from the snails in my garden, Brian. But you do get a lot of different species there.
UK snail eggs are small semi transparent and form something of a jelly like mass.
The snails partially bury themselves in soil before laying. It is something you have to watch out for when gardening. But I'm always more concerned about removing them instead of photographing them!
Incidentally, did you know that snails, and slugs, won't crawl across copper. So some people place a ring of copper around plant pots.
Another odd trick is to spray the outside of a pot with WD40 which may go by other names in other areas. Silicon based waterproofing spray.
You only need a band about 2 ins wide; although you may need to respray every one or two months.
ps. a good well exposed and focused shot.