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Thread: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

  1. #1

    Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    I was the only one out at the old home place of my Grandparents on this day. The warmth from the sun was welcomed by my cold hands and dew wet feet. As the sun was coming up over the tree tops I noticed the light playing it's way around the field and wanted to capture the moment. I had walked this field many times growing up and hunting with my Dad. At the far back of the field was a creek in a strip of woods upon crossing the creek one would find himself in another field that was known as the bottom, another favorite hunting spot. This was a three shot image blended using Lr/Enfuse with adjustments in Nik Viveza and finished in LR. I am really liking my CF tripod as I don't have to count on my shaky hands. Best viewed in lytebox.

    Peaceful!   (C&C Welcomed)
    Last edited by Carl in Louisiana; 11th April 2014 at 03:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    Carl, nice capture.


  3. #3
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    Love this shot, Carl! I can relate to "peaceful" here.

  4. #4

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    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    Carl...I see nothing that could be done to this image other than what you have done. It's great!!!
    As I look at it some more, maybe boosting the contrast jut a bit might lend some drama.

  5. #5

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    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    Very nice image

  6. #6
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    You have caught so well a very simple landscape and made a wonderful image - peaceful indeed.

  7. #7

    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    Thank You Bruce, Isabel and Binnur.

    Thanks Chauncey and here is one with the contrast boosted a tad for you.

    Peaceful!   (C&C Welcomed)

  8. #8

    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaye Leggett View Post
    You have caught so well a very simple landscape and made a wonderful image - peaceful indeed.
    Thank You Kaye.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    wm c boyer

    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    I would go a tad more Carl but, what's more important is how it looks to you, on your monitor.
    Judging image quality based on an internet image is an exercise in futility.

  10. #10

    Re: Peaceful! (C&C Welcomed)

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    I would go a tad more Carl but, what's more important is how it looks to you, on your monitor.
    Judging image quality based on an internet image is an exercise in futility.
    I did have more added to it but it was beginning to look a bit harsh to me so I backed off until it lost some of the harshness. I much prefer the first one posted as it portrays more what I think I saw and the peacefulness that I felt at the time. Thanks for the input Chauncey it's always good to see how others might visualize an image.

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