When Mark (Downrigger) viewed "Take Two" of this gin bottle, he asked if I was satisfied with the lack of three-dimensionality in the portion of the bottle that is black glass. I explained that I was satisfied but not ecstatic, but that I wasn't willing to resort to the common solution using reflectors because I don't like the resulting look. I also explained that I wasn't thrilled that neither the top nor bottom rim of the gin bottle were displayed.
I've been meaning to photograph this bottle with a red background, so I decided to do that and take advantage of a do-over to attend to the issues mentioned above. My other motivation was that I recently stumbled upon a tutorial explaining how to create a reflection that is a gradient, as opposed to reflections that are solid or seemingly uncontrolled that are unattractive solid blocks of light. The concept of how to light the gradient is so simple, yet I can assure you that I wouldn't have thought of it on my own. While I was at it, I also figured out a way to display the top and bottom rims, which inherently adds to the three-dimensionality of the photo.
By the way, I'm pretty sure this is the first photo made using my custom-built stand after the cup holder was installed. That comment is entirely for Chauncey's and Terry's benefit.