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Thread: Is this restaurant open?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Is this restaurant open?

    I decided to modify my newly designed birdtable but the customers wouldn't wait for me to finish.

    Is this restaurant open?

    Just a quick snap in poor light at ISO 800 so I'm afraid the quality is rather poor.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 28th February 2010 at 12:46 PM. Reason: converted link to picture

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I decided to modify my newly designed birdtable but the customers wouldn't wait for me to finish.
    Hah, nice one Geoff,

    I bet you'd stopped for a cuppa though!

    If the waiter serves good food, who cares if the builders leave their tools lying around?


  3. #3

    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    Very funny. He must be very well trained as he obviously knows the drill.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    I've taken the tools inside now because I was worried that those crafty crows would build themselves an annex overnight!

    The crows and pigeons were eating all the seed within minutes and many birds don't like using hanging cage feeders so I constructed a couple of designs which incorporate a feeding cage with a traditional birdtable. This design has two feeding positions, one on the top for gulls and crows, and one underneath for the smaller birds. The top feeding tray acts as a lid which lifts off to give access for refilling the feeding cage.

    The other design is based on a traditional 'birdhouse' design. Both appear to be very successful and, were constructed from a selection of wood offcuts so, apart from the cages, they didn't cost anything.

  5. #5

    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I've taken the tools inside now because I was worried that those crafty crows would build themselves an annex overnight!

    The crows and pigeons were eating all the seed within minutes and many birds don't like using hanging cage feeders so I constructed a couple of designs which incorporate a feeding cage with a traditional birdtable. This design has two feeding positions, one on the top for gulls and crows, and one underneath for the smaller birds. The top feeding tray acts as a lid which lifts off to give access for refilling the feeding cage.

    The other design is based on a traditional 'birdhouse' design. Both appear to be very successful and, were constructed from a selection of wood offcuts so, apart from the cages, they didn't cost anything.

    All very well, but... I bet you don't know a foolproof method of keeping SQUIRRELS away from the feeders? I do!

  6. #6
    Terry Tedor's Avatar
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    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    Nice catch!

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Very funny. He must be very well trained as he obviously knows the drill.

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    I bet you don't know a foolproof method of keeping SQUIRRELS away from the feeders? I do!
    I gave up trying to keep them away from mine and just feed them too.

  7. #7

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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    All very well, but... I bet you don't know a foolproof method of keeping SQUIRRELS away from the feeders? I do!

    That wouldn't involve a shotgun would it?

    I have seen a few ideas involving fitting collars to the birdtable pole but most squirrels seem to eventually find a way around them.

    They aren't that common here. I've seen the odd one crossing the road where there are a few trees and did see (and photograph) one on the birdtable a couple of years ago but that is it except for a dead squirrel that the cat brought home and somehow got in through the cat flap.

    I don't know if the cat actually managed to kill it or found it freshly dead. But either way it wasn't what I expected or wanted to find first thing in the morning!

  8. #8

    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Tedor View Post
    I gave up trying to keep them away from mine and just feed them too.

    I bought one of these about six weeks ago. I was very sceptical, but it does work. The squirrel can still climb the pole, but doesn't have the reach to get over the curved surface. Even if he could reach, he would have no grip on the upper smooth curved surface. I have the one on the left (Gardman) It only fits the 'Gardman' range of poles. Not sure about the other on listed.

  9. #9
    Terry Tedor's Avatar
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    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    I bought one of these about six weeks ago. I was very sceptical, but it does work. The squirrel can still climb the pole, but doesn't have the reach to get over the curved surface. Even if he could reach, he would have no grip on the upper smooth curved surface. I have the one on the left (Gardman) It only fits the 'Gardman' range of poles. Not sure about the other on listed.
    I get too much "enjoyment" out of watching our resident squirrel run from feeder to feeder trying to chase off the birds from "his" food. Just as soon as he runs them off of one, they fly to a different one. He runs back and forth expending all that energy instead of eating, it's too hilarious to watch to try and put an end to it. If he'd just settle on one feeder, he could have it all to himself and the birds would settle down at one that he's not at. Everybody would be happy, but no, he's got to try and have it all!
    Last edited by Terry Tedor; 2nd March 2010 at 06:53 AM.

  10. #10

    Re: Is this restaurant open?

    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Tedor View Post
    I get too much "enjoyment" out of watch our resident squirrel run from feeder to feeder trying to chase off the birds from "his" food. Just as soon as he runs them off of one, they fly to a different one. He runs back and forth expending all that energy instead of eating, it's too hilarious to watch to try and put an end to it. If he'd just settle on one feeder, he could have it all to himself and the birds would settle down at one that he's not at. Everybody would be happy, but no, he's got to try and have it all!
    You get even more enjoyment watching the antics of trying to defeat the squirrel guard! Actually, we felt sorry for him so we put some special nuts out just for him...

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