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Thread: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

  1. #1

    7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    Here's a nifty list with the serious photographer's essential apps -

    What other photo apps you can recommend?

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    With the exception of a DOF app (not necessarily the one listed), I don't think any of these are essential.

    The Guardian Eyewitness is a great source of ideas, and I browse it often, but the technical tips accompanying some of the photos are uninformative.

    One app that is very useful if you shoot at night or near sunset or sunrise is the Photographer's Ephemeris, which provides large amount of information about the position of the sun and moon at any hour of any date anywhere, using Google Maps and open source maps. PhotoPills is a new app that does some of the same stuff, but I only recently got it and don't have much experience yet.
    Last edited by DanK; 14th April 2014 at 01:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    I'll have to agree with Dan on his assessment; most of the listed apps would fall into the "mostly useless" category.

    I use Photographers Epermeris and CamRanger a lot. I have a few others that I refer to occasionally, and could probably do without them.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    After Focus, so you can concentrate on other matters.

  5. #5

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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    I'm with Manfred - TPE and Camranger are my main two.

  6. #6

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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    Useful maybe, but essential It seems photography pre-dates app running devices by a few decades and we all got along OK...

    Though as a matter of convenience a DOF calculator in the pocket would be nice and the previously mentioned ephemeris is cool.

  7. #7
    royphot's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    Heavens to Murgatroyd!

    I don't have any of them on my phone.

    Come to think of it, I don't have any kind of App on my phone.

    Do I have to sell all my gear and give up photography?


    PS What's an App?

  8. #8
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    With the exception of a DOF app (not necessarily the one listed), I don't think any of these are essential.

    The Guardian Eyewitness is a great source of ideas, and I browse it often, but the technical tips accompanying some of the photos are uninformative.
    Well Dan, I'm pretty well on your page, but I'm not even sure of the DOF one.

    I had charts printed out for all my lenses, but never once used them in the field, so I'm not sure what use I'd get out of a DOF app - and after re-reading the Merklinger article posted by John (DOF re-visited), I'm less sure it would be of any practical use.

    It's easy to forget that the DOF calcs were based on viewing a particular sized print (the size of which I forget) at a specific distance and was developed in the film days before we zoomed in on our monitors.

    DOF apps/calcs/charts are based on a particular set of arbitrary assumptions. It's a bit like taking measurements to 10 mm accuracy, then calculating results to one mm of accuracy.

    There still is no substitute for knowledge and skill in photography - not even apps.


  9. #9
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    I'll agree with Snapseed - it is brilliant, though you also need a resize app if you're wanting to share images as Snapseed (along with very few others) let you dial in a specific pixel dimension. I'm surprised PS Touch isn't listed as it is very powerful.

    The DoF app is interesting and while I have one I've never used it, same goes for the exposure meter - got but never used. The rest aren't really essential or even that good.

  10. #10
    wyogirl's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    The Pocket Light Meter app is actually pretty useful and accurate. I use a Graflex 2x3 film camera that has no light meter and I have found this light meter to be pretty spot on. Also what is useful in this app is that you can record location data and exposure notes and then save them to dropbox. The location data is automatically pulled from google maps so its easy to return to where you were to shoot again if you choose.

  11. #11

    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    I use the Simple DOF app for occasional reference, Sunseeker for sunrise, sunset, and light direction, and UK Tides. The latter two are both useful when planning trips: UK Tides for trips to the coast, and Sunseeker when there is a scene I know that will look just right when the light is from a particular direction. And, of course, a weather app for the same reason.

  12. #12

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    Re: 7 Essential Apps You Need As A Photographer

    I don't have any of them on my phone.
    Come to think of it, I don't have any kind of App on my phone.
    Do I have to sell all my gear and give up photography?


    PS What's an App?
    Thank the Lord...I am not alone.

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