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Thread: Advantage of video camera for neophyte

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Advantage of video camera for neophyte

    There is an advantage in a neophyte using a video camera over shooting with a P&S, DSLR, Cell Phone or tablet...

    The advantage is that no one, not even a neophyte, shoots with a video camera tilted over on its side. It is just ergonomically difficult to do this... However, many neophytes try to alter the composition of their video by tilting the camera on it's side in order to get a portrait layout when shooting with a P&S, DSLR, Cell Phone or tablet...

    While this works fine when shooting stills, it results in a video image laying over on its side...

    You can rotate the image in editing but, when you rotate the image 90 degrees to have the image upright, you end up with a very narrow image that takes up only about 1/3 of center of the frame...

    Solution, keep the camera, cell phone, or tablet in the horizontal position. If you need to show more from top to bottom, either use a shorter focal length or step back OR just use a video camera!

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Advantage of video camera for neophyte

    I think MovieMaker has the option of rotating the video. I use it to convert movies shot on my DSLR to a wlmp. format.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Advantage of video camera for neophyte

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    I think MovieMaker has the option of rotating the video. I use it to convert movies shot on my DSLR to a wlmp. format.
    Yes, that can be done, but the format is all wrong and the video has to be shown with large and heavy crop bars on either side.

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