Nice... especially the second, in which the snail is more in focus and the beetle looks more intact. It looks to be a member of the the beetle famliy, (Coleoptera) I think more than 300,000 species, so not knowing a name is no matter for shame.
At my stage of development, discoveries at the time of viewing on the screen are commonplace and commonly a cause of chagrin (overlooked background/foreground detractions, massive compositional errors) and rarely happy, as in this case.
Well done Chris,you have dome a good job with #2
I love #2 Kris...but if that slug or lots of them will be in my plants, they're going to be drown -- in beer with no appetizers. Serious! (safer for doggies too...)
Very nice.
I haven't seen that many slugs yet - and this plant is just about dead anyway. Aloes really don't like freezing weather.
As for the beer part----I don't have animals, but the neighborhood dogs all know we always have snacks for them, so there are usually a few of them around.
Note to self: go buy more beer and find slugs....