I was going through my photo collection when I came across some photos from my Vermont trip. That was my first real chance to really get out and try my new camera so not many of the photos are that good. I found these two which I tried to salvage.
I'm not sold on the crop of this one. I find I want to make it much shorter on the height but I like the sun in it. Cropping it to cut out the foreground takes away from the mountains. They aren't big enough to stand on their own without the perspective of the stuff in front. Again, it's not a great shot but it is one of the few I could get something decent out of.
This is the one and only covered bridge in Pittsfield, Vermont. It was my first time playing with long exposures and light trails. I really like how the light around the bridge sets the focus there. I think the light trail also really worked out. It goes across the entire image and is quite steady/uniform. It's only f/5.0 which I should have had at 8 but I did focus on the bridge before changing composition. The image is quite noisy so I upped the clarity (Haven't learned how to do luminance/noise reduction properly yet so I stay away from it or I make the photo worse) which I think created a neat look.
This one I liked the concept of but I kept the aperture too open so the house isn't really in focus. I did want to put emphasis on the sign and the road. Overall not great but I think it's decent and I think I had a good concept. Maybe I needed a better angle or something to really make it work.
All c&c welcome.