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Thread: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

  1. #1

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    Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Dear Folks,

    Does anyone know of a padded tripod bag that could carry a travel tripod with compact camera attached. Maybe even room in an outside compartment for some extras, such as cards, batteries, compact lenses? This would be mostly for when in the field hiking, to keep everything "hooked up" but protected while hiking from point a to point b.

    Thanks in advance for your response.


  2. #2
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    There are millions of padded bags about, at a guess you will just need to work out how long/wide your kit is and match it up. A quick Google/Amazon search should sort you out.

  3. #3

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    I'd be cautious about doing that to be honest - it wouldn't take too much of an "oops" to do some serious damage to the camera.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    I'm with Colin on this one. It sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

    Why do you want to carry your camera attached to a tripod?

  5. #5

    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Agree with Colin. I think the potential for damage would be higher if you hike around with the camera attached to a tripod. In addition I think most people (myself inc) don't bother to put the tripod in a bag when walking/hiking. I have mine attached to the outside of my bag.

  6. #6
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Agree about the "oops" factor. It's just too easy for it to swing into something with the camera end first.

    I often hike with my tripod/camera attached but it's either over my shoulder or by holding one leg of the tripod close to the head for balance.

    Also consider: if you want convenience of having the camera/tripod attached, where is the convenience of unzipping the bag when you need the gear? And then putting it back in the bag to continue hiking.


  7. #7

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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    OK dumb question but do you NEED a tripod when hiking, surely 99.9% of the time your shots can be hand held, if not look at a gorillapod or one of these,

    Perfect for gate posts, branches etc, I use mine with a short centre columb and ball/socket head

    Or a CF monopod

  8. #8
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    OK dumb question but do you NEED a tripod when hiking, surely 99.9% of the time your shots can be hand held ... Or a CF monopod
    Not for long exposures (extremely common in landscapes), areas with no trees, or areas with nothing at the height/position you want for your shot.

    As a Gorillapod SLR-Zoom user, I can attest that they're quite handy, but mainly for getting remote cameras into interesting spots. Iffy for cameras with vertical grips and/or heavy lenses. Not nearly as solid as a proper set of sticks.

  9. #9

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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Colin's right. Been there, done that scenario...quite a while ago I thought it would be a good idea to buy one of those three-wheel carts that golfers use to carry my gear while I was out walking around...had all the stability of a monopod without you attached.

  10. #10

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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Thanks for the responses. I carry my tripod on my shoulder with camera attached often...I'm just looking for a quick way to place this tripod/camera into something for added protection. Folded tripod is only approx 17". Camera and head adds just a few more...


  11. #11
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Quote Originally Posted by acroreef View Post
    Thanks for the responses. I carry my tripod on my shoulder with camera attached often...I'm just looking for a quick way to place this tripod/camera into something for added protection. Folded tripod is only approx 17". Camera and head adds just a few more...

    Hi Dave, although I don't leave the camera on the tripod as it is easily attached in far less time than it takes to set up the tripod, I do carry and store my tripod in a zippered enclosed bag that I can sling diagonally across my back like an archer's quiver.

    This leaves both hands free with no risk of the bag slipping off my shoulder. It is possible to leave my DSLR attached if I were to not close the zippered loop at the top of the bag. My bag is about 28" tall and loop at the top is 6" across so it comfortably holds my full size Manfrotto 190XB with the Gittos MH 1000 ball head attached.

    Like a quiver, I can unzip the top and pull out the tripod while leaving the bag in place.

  12. #12
    Davey's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    personally I think you'd be better spending the money from a new bag on getting a quick release system that works for you. I mainly use arca style but have seen/used various ones and some are VERY quick and take less than a second from off tripod to totally locked

  13. #13

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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Thanks again to all who have responded. I'll probably just go with a sling bag that I can attach a tripod to, and secure the camera inside.


  14. #14
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod Bag to Carry Camera Attached to Tripod

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    OK dumb question but do you NEED a tripod when hiking, surely 99.9% of the time your shots can be hand held, if not look at a gorillapod or one of these,

    Perfect for gate posts, branches etc, I use mine with a short centre columb and ball/socket head

    Or a CF monopod
    I use my tripod for pretty well everything. Candid people shots and pics taken on construction sites being about the only exceptions.

    If the hike is worth the effort and the images are what the hike is all about, then a tripod is essential IMO.

    A monopod doesn't seem to work too well for longer exposures - say in the several second range.

    And a clamp is fine if there is something to but in most scenic images there is absolutely nothing to clamp to. That's why tripods were invented - they stand still without outside support.


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