The village's Grandma
Everyone have a Grandma, but here little rural village have a kind of "community" Grandma.
She's usually a really old lady, very religious and mother of a numerous family, her house is always open to people from the village that come to her asking for advices and suggestions, even young couples refuse to get married whitout her permission and her blessing. She is often a woman of great knowledge, a knowledge based more on experience that on books, she's the guardian of village's history arts and traditions. The village Grandma isn't only an "expert cook" but also a seamstress, a carpenter, a farmer... even a doctor, she know natural herbs and remedies and can heal almost whatever you have.
This "character" is what remain of ancient rural society in Italy, little villages and communities based on hunt, farm animals and agriculture where to lead the people were the priestess, personification of the goddess of nature, that, in the passage of time, get associeted with witches, and so hunted and persecuted. You can understand how much these "witches" was spread in my region by the fact that the inquisition thought that the "base" of ALL the witches of europe was in the Sannio (how romans called my region) where the "archwitches", the "most evil and powerfull" witches, made their sabbat under a wallnut tree near the river Sabato (for this, say legends, that is called sabbat).
But between valleys and mountains still today survive these "archaic" figures of pagan roots, keepers of time itself. Priestess, Witch and Village's Grandma.