Binnur...there is an interesting feature of your shot at the top right hand side -- the spidey and its web...would be nice to digitally zoom and blow that one up... This is a nice comp...but the background is a little bit distracting...
Very interestingly shaped branch. Im only viewing it on my cell phone screen but it looks like it turned out even with f/5.6.
Nicely done.
I liked it; i wonder whether it would look even better, if you trimmed out the right side bunch completely; i liked the treatment very well
Thank you Isabel . I have to crop the image quite heavily to blow the web up but I will try and if it works I will post it for you.
BG is busy because there are so many bushes around. I think there are some ways to deal with BGs in photoshop but because I'm a new photoshop user, I hope to learn them in time
Thank you Kyle, John and Nandakumar
Nandakumar, I will try your suggestion and if it works I will post it.
Here is Nandakumar's suggestion..
Nandakumar, when I cropped the image I had to clone out a part of a big branch. Because I used f/5.6, twigs below are not in focus, but crop gave another composition anyway. Thanks for the suggestion And because unfocused part is not very nice , look what I did with Picasa as a second alternative
Last edited by bnnrcn; 21st April 2014 at 07:58 PM.
Isabel, I tried your suggestion but it didn't work well May be in the future I can get some decent spider web shots for you