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Thread: The 9 horrible cameras that shouldnt exist

  1. #1
    dragon76's Avatar
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    The 9 horrible cameras that shouldnt exist

    Number 8 is somewhat of a surprise to me.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: The 9 horrible cameras that shouldnt exist

    Horrible because the camera is was designed to take only B&W images?

    Someone had better tell all the B&W shooters out there that their work is horrible. I remember reading about there being some considerable demand for this type of niche camera, which is why Leica produced it.

    Personally, I can think of a few other cameras that should have made the list, but then, that would be my personal opinion, just as the list in this thread is someone elses...

  3. #3
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: The 9 horrible cameras that shouldnt exist

    Gotta love any statement that begins with "if you're really a purist." Arguments about who is the Most Fell Arbiter of the One True Faith are so productive.

    The Monochrom definitely isn't in my price bracket, but it's clever. No color filters equals a heck of a lot more light per photosite, which complements the noisier CCD rather well. I would like to see that same idea applied to a CMOS-sensor compact. If Fuji did a black-and-white-only camera with the X100 philosophy, I would be extremely curious.
    Last edited by RustBeltRaw; 22nd April 2014 at 01:13 PM.

  4. #4
    dragon76's Avatar
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    Re: The 9 horrible cameras that shouldnt exist

    Quote Originally Posted by RustBeltRaw View Post
    The Monochrom definitely isn't in my price bracket, but it's clever.
    Ditto. A local guy was selling one and he was kind enough to let me take it for a "test drive". Physically, it's solid and felt great in the hands but doesnt break your wrist like the D4 does. Absolute minimalist design. B/W straight out of this camera is stunning and requires very little post processing effort to pop IMO. It's a bit over price agree but if I could afford a stand alone B/W camera, I would get it. However, it does not deserve being #8 on that horrible cameras list.

  5. #5

    Re: The 9 horrible cameras that shouldnt exist

    I wonder if this would/will make the list.

  6. #6
    dragon76's Avatar
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    Re: The 9 horrible cameras that shouldnt exist

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    I wonder if this would/will make the list.
    "professional photographers may want to start using it full-time"

    An interesting revival of the old plenoptic concept but I still dont see how this is for Professionals as sharpness will be ordinary on this camera. Modern DSLR already has advance focusing system and high res LCD screen. It's probably good for the happy snappers but at $1600 i doubt if they can generate any good market shares.

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