That dog just LOOKS like she would have a sense of humor. Good shot!
Jack, I'm sitting here actually lol-ing. You have made my day. Great shot.
Thanks Kevin. She hasn't started hiding things...yet but I suspect there's a plan afoot.
I am still laughing guys! That is why I love this is such a happy place...Did you give your dog your driver's license? What about the car rego? I love the expression on your dog's face: it says: SEE YA!!!
Thanks Izzie, we're all about good times here!
Classic Jack. Love, love, love it.
Thanks Travis. Every now and then it should be about something that brings a smile (assuming, of course, that people like dogs. Otherwise I'm barking up the wrong tree :-)
Very cute.
Thanks Richard.
And I thought she was saying 'hey, where's the keys'. Amusing capture, we need a laugh now and again Jack.
That's a cool shot. She definitely looks mischievous enough to do it. Ah but for some thumbs...
Thanks Grahame. The keys were in the ignition and the truck was running. Lesson learned; don't leave a bored dog in the truck when it's running.
Dan, if she had thumbs she'd commit felonies for cheese. I hate to think....
This is a priceless capture. Puts a smile on my face too.
Thanks Rita, she makes me smile everyday.
Obviously a very talented dog - you're going to have to watch yourself, who knows what she will get up to next?
I enjoyed that. Great shot.