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Thread: Nikons FREE editor

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Jeremy Rundle

    Nikons FREE editor

    I have rarely used the FREE software that comes with gear, and I believe this to be true for many people, we buy elements, photoshop and more failing to see just how good what free really is.

    I had a need to download the latest version of NX2 and it is amazing, NEF files that elements could not convert were done in moments edited and saved and I am talking quite a few, now you can also edit a hour of video not just the old 30 mins.

    So if you have not tried your free software for a while, download the latest and be impressed.
    Last edited by JR1; 28th April 2014 at 03:43 PM.

  2. #2
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Nikons FREE editor

    In its day I used to really enjoy the free version of NX2 that came with my D3. However, following issues with NX2 conflicting with Mac software, that it should not have done, some years back, (which Nikon Europe and Nikon Japan were unable to resolve, as they seemed to have lost interest in developing software for Mac), I ultimately reverted to using Photoshop.

    Unfortunately NX2 is at the end of the road and NX-D is its poor relation replacement. So I wouldn't get used to NX2 anytime soon, as NX-D really is not up to the standard of NX2 or PS.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nikons FREE editor

    First tried ViewNX when I purchased my first DSLR. After upgrading camera, ViewNX2 wasn't fully compatible with my model, could use it to transfer photos but some functionality was lost, couldn't alter white balance. So downloaded DNG converter and just edit in Elements.

  4. #4

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    Re: Nikons FREE editor


    Keep in mind that Nikon Capture NX2 was provided free only when very few cameras were purchased, all of them pro cameras if I remember correctly.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 27th April 2014 at 01:34 PM.

  5. #5
    GrahamS's Avatar
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    Re: Nikons FREE editor

    We should remember that none of the camera manufacturers are software developers, they are hardware development engineers. None are going to invest the huge sums necessary to develop really good image conversion and editing software to give it away free with their hardware but they have to provide something with their cameras as long as they use propriety RAW file formats in order to comply with anti-trust laws in some countries. Nikon even try to recoup some of the cost by charging for Capture NX. None of the conversion and editing software provided by the big five does a particularly brilliant job but it allows the customer to use the files produced by the camera, which is what it says on the tin.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nikons FREE editor

    Jeremy - I still use NX2, primarily for its RAW converter. I have found that it often does a better job than ACR for skin.

    I think the reason for the inclusion is simply to provide a basic tool to give the camera buyers a tool to let them do some image manipulation on an introductory level, without having to lay out any more money.

    The other advantage is that Adobe and DxO lab's release of updated versions of RAW converters by several months after a new camera model gets release. I remember this being the case when I first got my D800; ACR's update was about 4-6 weeks after I got the camera and DxO lab was perhaps a month later still. NX2 supported it right away, albeit I had to download the latest version, but could use the RAW data that way from day 1...

  7. #7
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: Nikons FREE editor

    You can find updates for newer cameras at nikon. I get my version of ViewNX updated occasionally. I also have Capture NX which was free with my D300.

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