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Thread: Another B+W seascape

  1. #1
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Another B+W seascape

    This image is edited very much like my previous black and white and i tried again to not over do it on the sky as in this one it is not quite as interesting, i tried getting the eye to start near the bottom leading from left to right (to right hand "lets say island") but also seeing the whiter lines of the water going from right to left .Im putting two up, one where the land and sky is on rule of thirds, secoond with less sky, again i prefer the 2nd because there seems to be more focus on the rocks and water rather than sky.

    Again please let me know how u feel about this image.

    Another B+W seascape

    Another B+W seascape

  2. #2

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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    It might help you to know that the brightest light in the water where the two large rock formations join draws my eye to that part of the image. Having seen how nice that is, I then look at the detail in the rest of the image. I'm not sure from your explanation if that is what you hoped, but it definitely works for me.

    I prefer the first version but only because the aspect ratio seems a bit more natural. The aspect ratio of the second one seems as if it's not short enough to be a panoramic ratio and not tall enough to be a normal aspect ratio. The extra area of sky in the first one doesn't pull my eye away from the subject.

  3. #3
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    It might help you to know that the brightest light in the water where the two large rock formations join draws my eye to that part of the image.
    Hi Mike, thank you for your comment, may i ask, do you feel that central part is too bright? That it holds your eye to much? i understand what you mean about the crop as well, i think having a little more of the sky also levels out the brightness of the white where you are looking...or am i wrong in saying this?

  4. #4

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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaudioG View Post
    do you feel that central part is too bright?
    No. It's very atmospheric in a way that nicely complements the somewhat surrealism of the milky water.

    That it holds your eye to much?
    No. Just the right amount.

    i think having a little more of the sky also levels out the brightness of the white where you are looking...or am i wrong in saying this?
    It's not that you're wrong in putting it that way. I would put it that the extra area of the dark clouds adds more balance to both the tone and shape of the rock formations.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    Nice imagery.

  6. #6

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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    Claudio, gut reaction is that I also prefer the first shot though the difference is very subtle. My eye also naturally goes to the bright water between the rocks, then wanders up and to the right following the line of rocks and bright water. So I guess you achieved your goal in that regard.

    The smooth areas of the image seem awfully noisy. Did you add grain with the B/W conversion or is that noise due to long exposure?

  7. #7

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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    The smooth areas of the image seem awfully noisy. Did you add grain with the B/W conversion or is that noise due to long exposure?
    I'm not convinced that it's either noise or grain. Regardless, it's not unappealing for me.

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    I agree with both Mike and Dan about the first image being the stronger version. The reason is that I feel the first one is a better balanced, more harmonious image. I think that this is a good example of the 'rule-of-thirds' being a very effective guideline.

    I think the picture has been very well presented. The conversion to B & W picks out the texture in the rocks and the water very well and there are good, strong tones.

  9. #9
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    The smooth areas of the image seem awfully noisy. Did you add grain with the B/W conversion or is that noise due to long exposure?
    Hi Dan, the image was taken after sunset and it was one of the first evenings that i tried some landscapes. I'll be honest, its a "wasted" colour version. I did set my camera to ISO 100 but did not set the long exposure setting on for ISO. So noise could've creeped in like that, or by oversharpening?. The lower right im thinking could (Possibly) be from the sand? I did not apply any noise reduction to the i will try do that and see what i can come up with. Though i like the " graininess" in the bottom right. So i'll see if i can keep that.

  10. #10

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    Re: Another B+W seascape

    Yes lower right looks like sand and belongs. It's the white specks in the sky and water mostly caught my attention. It's a nice image.

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