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Thread: Need advice - Instagram

  1. #1

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    Need advice - Instagram

    Recently rec'd a notice from Canon about a local competition they were running. The shots have to be taken with a full frame camera. Prizes not all that great but attractive enough. Top 5 get a cash voucher of about US$400. Top 20 get the pics displayed in an exhibition.

    Aiming only for the top 20 as I would love one to be seen at the exhibition.

    Problem -
    They want the pics sent to Instagram (though Instagram is not a party to the competition). Pictures on Instagram have a square format but they can display it at up to 2048x2048. On the web the consensus is that most phone sent images are set to 612x612.

    99% of my images are wide and not capable of going square unless I redo them all and change the crop dimensions. Not willing to make that effort.

    They have absolutely no image upload guidelines so have to guess what best to do.

    A high resolution image in the event of selection would obviously look good in print. So 2048 wide it will be. But what about the square format?

    What to do? How to do?


  2. #2
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice - Instagram

    Go look at Instagram and you will find millions of images that have formats other than 1:1 you just need to set up the formatting you want in your editing software and load the (now square) file into the app.

    I'm a BIG Instagram fan (over 1700 shots) and have made a few photo books up with the images I've taken within the app - the vast majority are the larger of the file sizes you quote and look great at normal print sizes - certainly they look fantastic when viewed on a screen.

    Good Luck!

    If you're interested here is my feed:

  3. #3
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice - Instagram

    You can use an app like Instasize to fill the area necessary to make an image square. If you have a landscape crop, it will add white stripes top and bottom, and to right and left for portrait orientation. I don't know if that follows the contest rules, but it's an option.

    Just started using Instagram, as well. I like it. Feels low-pressure, unlike Facebook. These days, I scramble pretty hard to stay on top of my Facebook activity. On the other hand, it has gotten me some interesting work.

  4. #4

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    Re: Need advice - Instagram

    Thanks Robin, Lex.
    That is reassuring. Will get on it then.

    Great gallery Robin. I see that most of your images are square and they look great in there. You deliberately went for square cropping?

  5. #5
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice - Instagram

    I try to shoot within the app, not that it matters but if you are going to use Instagram why not use it from start to finish.

    I do import from the camera roll but even then I tend to shoot square if I know its going to be IG'd and I do import from my K30/D300s but they will have a # with them to separate them from iPhone shots.

    I know IG comes under criticism for its filters and the 'hipster' appeal but I love the interaction and I love jumping into the feed randomly throughout the day to see what people are shooting. It is now a part of my life in a way that oddly Twitter isn't.

  6. #6

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    Re: Need advice - Instagram

    Thanks Robin. I only need to put up shots for the "competition". Your advice is great so will know what to do if I ever get hooked.

  7. #7

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    Re: Need advice - Instagram

    Thanks Lex. Asked the organisers and they say that are no restriction square or landscape.

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