I had the fortune tonight to glimpse a pink sky and managed to grab the camera with the intention of taking some shots and look at the effect of varying WB settings in PP. Unfortunately after taking a couple of shots I noticed the camera WB setting had been set on flash (from yesterday) but managed to grab another couple in Auto WB before the pink was gone.
Basically, having looked very carefully at the sky, clouds and colours I would say that the pink the camera captured is pretty close as far as my eyes can determine to spot on what I saw. The images with camera WB settings of Auto and Flash both show a WB of 5900 but with slightly different tint and changing the WB to above 7000 gives something that just was not what I witnessed.

Nothing done to the image other than open the RAW in ACR, left all defaults and a resize in Elements.
So, my question is on what basis are you determining 'that the camera is way out' and you needed to push Christina's image up to 22000K?
I would suggest that my D300 is extremely capable of producing accurate pink, are you suggesting that a D7100 is not so capable because it was going to be the next one I purchase