Enfuse needs good exposure of what you want to have in the final image Chistina. +/- 1stop is hardly worth bothering with as you should be able to extract that range from a single raw exposure. Actually I suspect that it would be possible to get near to what you are after from the +1 stop shot via 2 conversions from that raw file. Much the same applies how ever you merge the images but life gets more complicated if they are manually blended. With that fractions of each form the final image - not easy to judge the impact each image will have on the final result.. Luminosity masks often need manual work in order to define the areas that will be used in the final image correctly. This method can give total control as it's effectively cutting and pasting parts from images into one image so wysiwyg. Some tuitions may mention using blur on the masks. Often leaves lines round the sections that don't go away when the shot is reduced so need manually touching out before reduction.
Enfuse is relatively easy to use. On this shot you needed one showing the mountain and sky well. The other needed to show the dark areas well - in other words not dark at all. There is some scope for adding some degree of darkness to the final image but it uses differences in a different way to other methods. Take one shot checking the sky is as you want, probably best obtained by putting the sky line around 1/3 - 1/2 up from the bottom for metering. The preview needs to be used to check this. You may need to colour balance this shot using the snow in the foreground. Try setting the exposure in the 2nd shot with no sky in the viewfinder but you may find that you still need to add +ve compensation to get thing right.. In fact you may need to compensate the bright light shot. What I have generally done when worrying about skies in particular is just keep clicking away until the preview shows that they are correct.. At the same time you might want to take a shot showing the dark parts as dark as you would like them to be for say mask work.
If you want to use bracketing as the above involves swinging the camera about or compensating until you see what you are after in the preview take a test shot. Look at it and see which direction it needs to go. Say the sky and mountain was fine and the camera could bracket + and -. There would be no point in under exposing more as the sky is fine so compensate +2 stops and bracket +/-1. On some scenes even that may not be enough. The thing to bear in mind is that there is an easy 5-6 stops in the camera, more difficult 8 and so on. 12 is probable too far really. Most problems are at the dark end and the bright end mustn't be clipped. +/- 1 doesn't make much sense for this sort of work. The aim is to get all parts of the scene in the easy area.
For critical work there aren't any easy options to get the exposure correct unless it's a 4-5 stop or less purely reflective scene which basically means negligible shadow as far as the camera is concerned. The camera metering is likely to make a perfect job of that. Hard to explain this but say it's a sunny well lit sky plus clouds, sun behind you and you can see faintish shadows - the camera will record them rather black or over expose the sky and still record them rather black. It isn't possible to always guess what the metering will do. Must admit the E-M5 makes this aspect easy - blinkies at either end show up in the viewfinder as soon as the shot is taken. It can also shoot to the right using the histogram in the viewfinder. I'm not a fan of that but should try it on this camera as it changes the colouring at either end of the scale if clipped but then comes the question is it luminance or does it show any colour channels clipping. This area is why I feel that people who mess with camera setting to try and meter raw are doing the wrong thing on some cameras.
Maybe you should post the raws. The results might give you an idea what to do but all shots are different. This is an easy site to use for that

I just found that an easy reflected light only shot can go wrong - 2PM sunny and fairly clear and off white dull feathers needed -0.7 EV.