Originally Posted by
Mike Buckley
Great exposure on both images! Their chosen compositions really depend on what you want the subject to be.
If I take the first image as is, it's a great example of why placing the horizon in the center can work really well, despite the often-quoted rule that dictates otherwise. The leading lines of the foreground boardwalk and the cloud formations directly point to the center point of the horizon. If that's what you wanted, well done! If that's not what you wanted, well, you know the rest without me explaining it.
I disagree that the left side of the boardwalk in the second image leads the eye out of the frame. The bench is such a bright orange that it successfully holds the eye and prevents it from wavering. You might want to consider cropping that image at the top to a format that is about twice as wide as high, leaving everything in the bottom area as is. Doing so places great emphasis on the bench and employs an aspect ratio of the image that is similar to the aspect ratio of the bench itself.
For me, the lake is not the subject in either image. If you agree, the title of your thread is misleading. The corollary is that both images failed if your intent was to make the lake the subject. I strongly suspect that it's your thread title, not the subject of either image, that deserved more thought.