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Thread: Cacti at Sunrise

  1. #1

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    Cacti at Sunrise

    This shot is in color for Christina. I just couldn't bear to convert this one to monochrome due the the lovely glow created by the early morning sun.

    That being said I wonder if the messy foreground spoils the composition? I would also like to get your opinion on the impact of the tight clumping of the cacti which has them overlapping in the image.

    Any and all PP tips also welcome.

    Cacti at Sunrise

  2. #2
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    The clumping is fine. I might do a tighter crop. A bit of an S curve darkening the midtones and raising the lighter/dropping the darker tones, then slightly increase the vibrancy and definition is all I would do.

  3. #3

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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Yes, that is what I would do. Reduce the space between the bottom of the cacti and the image edge by around half.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Nicely done. I think the foreground helps display the actual settings. If I were stumbling along in the desert I think that cluster would keep me from walking into the cactus.

  5. #5
    dabhand's Avatar
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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Shane - I'm with John, the clumping is essential to putting the cacti in context.


  6. #6
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Thank you Shane! Absolutely beautiful!

    The clump of Cacti in front of the image seems natural and works for me. The dark shadow on the clump of Cacti on the left hand corner seems a little dark.

    Thank you for sharing this beauty in colour. I've never seen scenery like this and the Cacti in colour bathed in the morning light are gorgeous!

  7. #7

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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Yes, the light is great, but I also like the glorious, plain space at the top.

    Everybody is rightfully explaining why the clumping of the saguaro cacti is so essential. I'll instead explain the corollary: I can guarantee that I would have painfully positioned myself to ensure that at least the middle cactus in the rear was separated from the other cacti. The resulting composition would have been both static and "set up." There is absolutely no doubt that, in my infinite wisdom, that is what I would have done.

    I like Geoff's idea of cropping to reduce the foreground element by about half. The importance of doing that is to handle the problematic cactus and strong shadow in the lower left corner.

  8. #8
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    May I ask if you could explain in more detail why you like the glorious, plane space at the top. Does it have something to do with negative space, the brightness and balance (something I still have yet to learn about) or is it simply that the cacti need room to move and that the colour of the sky is beautiful?

    PS Shane I hope you don't mind the question on your thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Yes, the light is great, but I also like the glorious, plain space at the top.

    Everybody is rightfully explaining why the clumping of the saguaro cacti is so essential. I'll instead explain the corollary: I can guarantee that I would have painfully positioned myself to ensure that at least the middle cactus in the rear was separated from the other cacti. The resulting composition would have been both static and "set up." There is absolutely no doubt that, in my infinite wisdom, that is what I would have done.

    I like Geoff's idea of cropping to reduce the foreground element by about half. The importance of doing that is to handle the problematic cactus and strong shadow in the lower left corner.

  9. #9

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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    May I ask if you could explain in more detail why you like the glorious, plane space at the top. Does it have something to do with negative space, the brightness and balance (something I still have yet to learn about) or is it simply that the cacti need room to move and that the colour of the sky is beautiful?
    All of the above. However, it's not just that the color of the sky is beautiful; it's that it's beautifully natural.

  10. #10

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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    You guys are great! Love the tips but it means that my shots to tweak list will keep me in front of the computer all day and I'm still working on some other images from the trip. Two steps forward and one step back but I am gaining ground and will post a revision based on your suggestions a bit later today or tomorrow.

    Mike, I think that I understand where you are coming from in your comment about the separation causing the shot to look "set up". From the vantage point where I was shooting to get some separation for the middle cactus would have put the one of the left father behind and that may have looked even stranger. However, that was my question about the shot and I can't re-shoot it so I need to live with it as composed.

    Christina, I'm interested in hearing Mike's response to your question as it is a good one. The explanation will hopefully allow us to better internalize ideas for different compositions and that can only be a good thing.

  11. #11

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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Is this what you had in mind Trevor (and others who agreed with his suggestions)?

    Cacti at Sunrise

    I tried to incorporate all of your suggestions and look forward to hearing you thoughts on this edit.


  12. #12
    wtlwdwgn's Avatar
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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    I rather like the original as I like the light better. The clumping in the foreground in needed to give depth to your image. I like it!

  13. #13
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Perfect lighting Shane and your edit improves the original. As for the sky I think it's minimal detail enhances the detail of the cacti.


  14. #14

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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    There is no question that the revised crop works much better for me. The other changes seem to be just a tad overcooked to me, but I'm not sure I would have thought that if I hadn't had the first version as a basis of comparison.

  15. #15
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Hi Shane,

    I think I prefer the 2nd version, simply because the dark spot on the left is lessor but I prefer the lighter colours of the cacti and surrounding foliage in the first image.

  16. #16

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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Thanks everyone...I really struggled with the color temperature on the first image and tried to avoid an artificial look to the scene but I also had a hard time recalling the colors of the scene in reality. All I know is that it was beautiful

    This conversation has been helpful in that it has nudged me to take a harder look at the image and how to best portray the scene.

    The second image does seem a bit 'overcooked' to me. The challenge here is that adding even slightly more contrast really enhances the yellow tones of the image which is what I think is giving it the artificial look. After sleeping on it and seeing your comments, I think that I will try to add some contrast and then reduce the saturation of the yellows/greens and see if that works better. Is my thinking correct on how to get the best of both worlds in PP?

    I'm not sold on the crop so I think I may just do some selective burning and desaturation to lessen the impact of the cacti on the lower left.

    Thanks again everyone!

  17. #17

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    Re: Cacti at Sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneS View Post
    The challenge here is that adding even slightly more contrast really enhances the yellow tones of the image which is what I think is giving it the artificial look.
    When I experience similar editing situations, I try lowering the opacity of the pertinent edit step. That almost always does the trick for me. Better yet, it prevents me from having to make a different edit that then causes yet another related, detrimental change.

    I'm not sold on the crop so I think I may just do some selective burning and desaturation to lessen the impact of the cacti on the lower left.
    Alternatively, consider cloning to get rid of the one problematic cactus.

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