[IMG]Spring by Sharon Reid2010, on Flickr[/IMG]
Splendid Spring colours abound and I just had to take a step into colour and celebrate it!
All comments welcome.
[IMG]Spring by Sharon Reid2010, on Flickr[/IMG]
Splendid Spring colours abound and I just had to take a step into colour and celebrate it!
All comments welcome.
'The force is strong in this one...'
May the fourth be with you.
Well, if in all (or most) of your other images you had been whispering, this one is a shout at the top of your lungs. There would appear to be a break in, or lifting of, the clouds. Very cool.
This just proves that you have a lighter side.
Thank you Jack, for this and all your comments.
They are truly appreciated.
Wonderful note card, especially sent during springtime!
Pretty in Pink! (very)
I see a place where candy grows on trees, flowers are lollipops and their nectar tastes like cream soda. A land where fairies and leprechauns still exist. A place where one can curl up and snuggle up to a purring lion. A place where one can hitch a ride on an elephant.
However, there is a darkness that is waiting to be awakened and unleashed by someone.. hopefully not!
Nicely done, certainly evokes the feelings of spring.
Hmmm.... it's autumn here and those colours scream autumn at me. I like the woman walking the dogs. Nice touch
Sharon what a burst of life,colours,rebirth. You have a bright side I did not know about. You should show it more often. Great work as always.
Your images never fail to amaze us Sharon. I look forward to Izzies interpretation of what she can see in this, Christina was close but it's pretty obvious it's a lady riding a cow along the lane.