How do you shut off a budweiser?
Randy, when the can is empty it is shut off!
All joking aside, it really is a very nice photo that tells a humorous story. The depth of field works well. The green tones in the background complement the green tones in the saw. Well done, Jon!
Last edited by Mike Buckley; 5th May 2014 at 10:31 AM.
Thanks Mike. It was a LONG day at the folks house (no owls to be seen though). We had 4 teenage boys and 5 adults cutting, splitting and stacking wood all day and got through maybe a third of it.
While these are not meant to be award winning photos by any stretch of the imagination, they are a good record of the day.
It is good to be with family!!
my sister is a beast...all 100lbs of her
...and the rest of the muscle
The photo of you "little" (in all respects) sister is just terrific. Surely it will become a family treasure.
I like how you see things and life, Jon -- always nice to have a good sense of humour around especially when doing such hard yakka for the day. A nice cold bitter helps too....There's nothing like having a 'family'...never a dull moment. 'Enjoyed your shots a lot.
Chainsaws and hydraulic log splitters, luxury ! It's shorts, flip-flops and cane knives here
Seriously Jon, a good series but you should have captured the saw cutting and getting the motion of the sawdust ejecting
Cold weather suddenly struck here two days ago and so I had to get out the block splitter. In my case, that is a slightly sharp lump of steel at the end of a wooden handle. Good for maintaining a bit of muscle strength.
These are nice pictures and it's good to see that it was a social occasion.