I imagine the really funny scene would have been a photo of me pouring wine from this paper bottle into the garden hose. Definitely not an iconic combination of wine paraphernalia.
I imagine the really funny scene would have been a photo of me pouring wine from this paper bottle into the garden hose. Definitely not an iconic combination of wine paraphernalia.
Last edited by Mike Buckley; 5th May 2014 at 09:19 PM.
Oh well, at least that should get the air into it and open it up!
Clever, as well as very good, image.
I have absolutely no idea and never will. That's because I'm not about to taste the wine after it has traveled through the lining of the garden hose. I never knew a garden hose has a lining and I don't care that this garden hose was never used. I would be willing to bet, though, that this is the first garden hose that was bought only to pour wine through it.
As you can see from my setup of the pouring apparatus, the trash can from my home office lined with a lawn bag isn't nearly as impressive as Terry's industrial-size red bucket.
I also think its a really clever image and fun to look at it. Whenever you want to invite me to one of your garden parties I'll gladly accept.
Thanks, Karm, but if you ever saw our plantings you would know why we never have garden parties.Even so, I'm glad to see that you "got it" from the photo.
If the drink were moonshine, the setup would be possible. Nicely done.
Clever and well executed shot, Mike.
By the way, you can buy hoses made for potable water (or whatever liquid). They are used for camping. But I will say they don't have that authentic garden green color so wouldn't tell the same story. Also, the difference in price probably pays for the wasted wine.![]()
Gives new meaning to wine in a box! Great idea and great shot!![]()
At first glance, it looks like you may have been siphoning gasoline. At second glance, still siphoning gasoline. At third glance....wine, really? Wine, through a garden hose? Really? [note to self, when Mike invites me to his house, decline any white wine.]
I love the novel idea and the photography skill well. Are all those who decline to try the wine so old or just so refined that they never drank from the hose as a child on hot summer days? just kidding .. but I did, often :-)
Thanks, Denise
I realize that you're just kidding, but you got me thinking. I drank from the pipe sunk into the ground with water coming out of it that was pumped by the windmill for the cattle. Though I was too young to smoke, people didn't know back then that cigarettes cause cancer. I also drank from public water fountains, lakes and streams, all of which carried all sorts of diseases that we didn't think about, though apparently they carry even more diseases today. Goodness knows what we didn't know about pipes and hoses that weren't intended for people to drink from. My brother and I spent our daylight hours in the Florida sun never wearing a shirt or sunscreen, not knowing about the threat of skin cancer. My only hope is that my activities as an ignorant child have resulted in an immune system that is stronger than it would otherwise be.
Last edited by Mike Buckley; 6th May 2014 at 02:19 AM.
I've drunk from a garden hose, I've drunk from a stream, I've drunk from a hand pumped well, I've drunk from a glass of unknown proprietorship; I've just never drunk wine from a hose. I don't think I ever will. My grandmother said that you had to eat a peck of dirt before you die. I still have a ways to go but, my immune system appears to be fine.
I think the the young ones brink beer through a similar contraption called a beer bong although wouldn't use a glass...so that makes this a wine bong! You are hipper than you know Mike!
Very creative image, nicely executed.
Well now...if I'm hip in the slightest way, you're right that I'm hipper than I realize.
It's gratifying to see everyone humored by the photo. It took me two hours to plan the setup by making sketches. Once I began setting everything up, I had to modify the plan somewhat because of a factor that I had failed to take into account. It was during that modification that I broke a clamp, which shot across the room and allowed a piece of wood to fall onto my toe. Ouch (literally!). After two hours of setting up everything, the shooting and post-processing was some of the easiest I've done.
As one might guess I’m a big fan of this one Mike!
I thought brown bagging it was the epitome! You have taken it one step further with the wine bong! I’m impressed!
There is a moral here...
...always wear appropriate safety equipment, i.e. steel toe boots, when working in the studio!![]()
Thanks, Terry, for not dissing my lowly trash can lined with a plastic bag -- actually, two plastic bags.
There's more truth to that than you might realize. I always wear thick socks rather than shoes at Makeshift Galactic HQ because they make it possible for me to feel a leg of a light stand or whatever I'm about to knock over, especially in the dark after the setup is completed, before I actually knock it over. After the piece of wood dropped on my toe, I compromised: I put on a pair of soft, canvas shoes.
That night I put the shoes by the side of the bed rather than wake my wife by opening the closet folding doors (they creak). The next morning I got up and stubbed my sore toe on -- you guessed it -- the very same shoes that were supposed to protect my feet. Sometimes life isn't as easy as it should be.![]()
Why am I snickering? That just ain't funny!
I would never Mike! Especially when I see a BRT (Big Red Tub) in your very near future when you start tossing wine all around MGH to get another cool wine splash shot?
( I know you are already scheming one so no need to even try to deny it!)![]()