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Thread: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

  1. #1

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    Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    There is a gradient tool in PS CC that I can use for gradient effects and vignette effects. But as far as I can see it doesn't create a layer. If I choose Layer/ New Fill Layer/ Gradient , then I can get layers for filter effects and vignettes. It seems reasonable to use the one which creates layers , is this what you do? And if so, why is there also a seperate gradient tool

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    The gradient tool is not just applied to the image in the layer. I will sometimes apply a gradient to a layer mask, so having it automatically create a new layer would be a problem. At other times, I just want a gradient (for instance, darkening a sky), so I will set up a separte layer and adjust the gradient itself using blending modes, opacity controls or with a layer mask.

    One thing you will find in Photoshop, there are many ways of getting to the same place. As an example, I use a completely different technique when I apply a vignette.

  3. #3

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    Re: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    Thank you Manfred. May I ask what technique you use for applying a vignette ?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    The gradient tool is not just applied to the image in the layer. I will sometimes apply a gradient to a layer mask, so having it automatically create a new layer would be a problem. At other times, I just want a gradient (for instance, darkening a sky), so I will set up a separte layer and adjust the gradient itself using blending modes, opacity controls or with a layer mask.

    One thing you will find in Photoshop, there are many ways of getting to the same place. As an example, I use a completely different technique when I apply a vignette.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    I create a new layer and use the ellipse marquee tool to cover the area I am looking to apply the vignette too. It often covers the whole frame, but may be offset or angled, depending on the image I am applying it to. After drawing the ellipse, I invert it and apply a feather, usually the maximum I can get when I shoot with the D800 (1000 pixels), but will usually cut that back with smaller resolution images.

    I then take the paint bucket tool and with black as my foreground colour I will apply that. With the ellipse and black foreground colour selected I will add a layer mask to pull back the mask to effect the edges of the image. With a black, soft brush I then clean up areas I don't want affected by the vignette and will cut back the opacity of the layer, generally in the 25% - 35% until I get the effect I want. Virtally all of the postings I have on CiC use this technique.

  5. #5

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    Re: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    Thank you very much Manfred

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I create a new layer and use the ellipse marquee tool to cover the area I am looking to apply the vignette too. It often covers the whole frame, but may be offset or angled, depending on the image I am applying it to. After drawing the ellipse, I invert it and apply a feather, usually the maximum I can get when I shoot with the D800 (1000 pixels), but will usually cut that back with smaller resolution images.

    I then take the paint bucket tool and with black as my foreground colour I will apply that. With the ellipse and black foreground colour selected I will add a layer mask to pull back the mask to effect the edges of the image. With a black, soft brush I then clean up areas I don't want affected by the vignette and will cut back the opacity of the layer, generally in the 25% - 35% until I get the effect I want. Virtally all of the postings I have on CiC use this technique.

  6. #6
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    There is a gradient tool in PS CC that I can use for gradient effects and vignette effects. But as far as I can see it doesn't create a layer. If I choose Layer/ New Fill Layer/ Gradient , then I can get layers for filter effects and vignettes. It seems reasonable to use the one which creates layers , is this what you do? And if so, why is there also a seperate gradient tool
    Binnur you can create any sort of adjustment layer you like and then select the gradient tool and draw a gradient on any part of that layer. This will restrict the effect of the adjustment to the area of the gradient and apply the gradient effect in that area. I often use it with a brightness layer.


  7. #7

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    I just duplicate the image layer and then use the lens adjustment to apply the vignette.

    Change the opacity or partially erase to fine tune the effect.

  8. #8

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    Re: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    Thank you Dave and Colin There are so many ways to apply functions in PS CC, I will try your suggestions with some of my images . I have a small notebook to write down some hints as well because PS CC is huge and I haven't used the earlier versions because I'm new into photography.

  9. #9

    Re: Vignette and Gradient Filter in PS CC

    You should change the opacity or partially erase to fine tune the effect.

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