Hello Brian: This is a very cool photo. The colours are rich and complementary. I also like to take macro shots of flower interiors. There is a strange phenomenon that occurs when you view these types of shots as they tend to take on an "otherworldly" look and are far removed from being just a close up flower picture. Just for fun, try cropping out the green edges and you get a very interesting abstract.
Really awesome; you have every reason to post this
Very nice.
Nice one Brian! If I was a bug, I'd want to stroll up into there and see if there was a cozy place to take a nap!
Last edited by FrankMi; 9th May 2014 at 01:54 AM.
Love the colors, Brian. I downloaded your image and cropped to a vertical format so that none of the green showed. I thought it made for a very dramatic image. Try it. You may not like it, but I did.
Very glad you did Brian, a very nice photo great colours and interest for the eyes.