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Thread: Between The Bridges

  1. #1

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    Between The Bridges

    I've decided to do a project which involves photographing a stream valley not far from my home. The particular area I will concentrate on is perhaps a half mile long and delimited with a bridge at each end. This particular image had a group of green plants in the lower right foreground that I mistakenly thought were adding something to the picture. I've since cropped them out resulting in an image that is much closer to square than I'm accustomed to doing. C&C solicited and welcome.

    Between The Bridges

  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Between The Bridges

    Hi Andrew, Nice color range and a good choice of foreground objects to anchor the image but maybe just a few too many rocks. It all depends on if you want the eye to be attracted to the big and bright (rocks) or the smaller, but with more action, stream.

    With a scene like this without any absolute references it is hard to tell, but it 'feels' like it is leaning to the left.

  3. #3

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    Re: Between The Bridges

    Andrew, I agree with Frank's comments about the image. I will look forward to to seeing the development of your project to photograph the area and I will be interested to see how it evolves over time.

  4. #4
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Between The Bridges

    Hi Andrew, I am a great fan of setting oneself a project as it gives us a focus and goal. We are out and about enjoying taking pictures and doing so with a purpose only helps us improve.
    I like this image, but I find myself feeling I want to be standing more to the left looking down the river, I think the rocks maybe take up a bit more of their share of the image.
    I look forward to seeing the project develop further.

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Between The Bridges

    It feels a bit restricting, like being strangled and put in a corner, with all those rocks. I wish you have a bit more stream here than = action; rocks = static (for standing or sitting restfully looking at stream). Still goes back to the stream...I hope you are following my thoughts here. Am I being harsh? I think I just seek peace through looking at more water. That is what I mean here...

  6. #6

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    Re: Between The Bridges

    Thanks for the comments. Obviously I've missed the mark as the rocks were the point of the image; I'll have to think about that.

    With regard to sense that the image feels like it's leaning left; one gets that sense sometimes standing in that location due to the trees leaning off the hillside to the right. That's not to say that the camera may not have been completely level.


  7. #7
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Between The Bridges

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewMcD View Post
    Thanks for the comments. Obviously I've missed the mark as the rocks were the point of the image; I'll have to think about that.

    With regard to sense that the image feels like it's leaning left; one gets that sense sometimes standing in that location due to the trees leaning off the hillside to the right. That's not to say that the camera may not have been completely level.

    I suspect that the viewers dilemma comes from the tension created when two almost equally attractive objects are competing for attention. Had the stream been less prominent it would have focused attention on the patterns in the rocks.

    Try cropping just left of the log and see if that conveys more of what you are trying to achieve?

  8. #8
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: Between The Bridges

    Arriving late, but just one more vote for the idea that the rocks are overbearing. The delicacy of hues and line in the stream and woods are wonderful, but the rocks own over a quarter of the image, and take one's attention away from them to the detriment of the whole effect.

  9. #9

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    Re: Between The Bridges

    I recognize that one of the areas in my photography that I need to improve is narrowing the subject matter. It seems that I don't do a good job of emphasizing what I see as my primary subject. This is particularly difficult with landscapes where there may be competing subjects. In this instance my primary subject, the rocks, seems to be losing out to the stream and lighting in the background.
    Here is a different shot, a bit different position from the original. I've cropped just to the left of the log as Frank suggested in order to make the rocks the primary subject. Unfortunately I've got that clump of green in the right foreground that I view as a distraction.....though when I took the photo I thought it a feature!

    Between The Bridges

  10. #10

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    Re: Between The Bridges

    So in the spirit of learning and narrowing the subject matter......I just went crop crazy.

    Between The Bridges

  11. #11
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: Between The Bridges

    I don't think there is anything wrong with unconventional crops. The result is really what counts and not whether it fits into a storebought frame and mat.

    That said, the green looks like it might be daylilies and should add something to the shot when they bloom. I actually like both shots but if I had to make a choice would take the one with more water (first).

    A couple of blooms, a short step or so to the right and I think you would have captured the spot.

    Since you are documenting the space, showing it over seasons and having some details of the trees, plants and animals would make a good natural essay.

    BTW, I think the rocks have a lot of subtle tones as well as texture that is of interest.

  12. #12
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Between The Bridges

    Now that the emphasis has changed, I find myself exploring the texture and pattern details in the rocks, rather than trying to follow the stream with the rocks being in the way.

    I don't mind the green foliage being a counterpoint to the blue stream at all. In fact, I kind of like the sense of balance it provides without being too distracting! Ah, well, to each, his own view.

  13. #13

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    Re: Between The Bridges

    Now that is nice - too me. I'm a rock person, a rock climber, I prefer rocks. This to me shows the different strata and colors to associate it with. I also really liked your first one.

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