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Thread: Sharpening - Shadows and Highlights in PS CC

  1. #21
    dje's Avatar
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    Dave Ellis

    re: Sharpening - Shadows and Highlights in PS CC


    You've got two options with Smart Objects, one where you export out of ACR as a Smart Object and the other where you export from ACR into PS normally and then convert to a Smart Object.

    The first has the advantage that you can go back to ACR to redo edits there and then bring it back into PS. The other option allows re-editing in PS only. It is the second option I was referring to.


  2. #22

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    re: Sharpening - Shadows and Highlights in PS CC

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post

    You've got two options with Smart Objects, one where you export out of ACR as a Smart Object and the other where you export from ACR into PS normally and then convert to a Smart Object.

    The first has the advantage that you can go back to ACR to redo edits there and then bring it back into PS. The other option allows re-editing in PS only. It is the second option I was referring to.

    Ah - thanks for that. Now that you mention it I think I do recall seeing that 2nd option mentioned in something that I've seen somewhere. Personally, I just use separate layers if it's something I need to keep separate.

  3. #23

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    re: Sharpening - Shadows and Highlights in PS CC

    Hi Dave and Colin what I understand from your posts is that, there is no perfect way for 'shadows and highlights' and 'sharpening' adjustments in PS part of PS CC Dave I tried the dodge tool and I got what you meant, when I rastered the layer I was able to use the dodge tool but I lost my edit info in that layer.So ,I will keep in mind that if I have to use a smart filter I have to use it towards the end of the work flow. It is not a problem for sharpening actually, infact I usually do the sharpening for the last step anyway

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