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Thread: A bit of TLC

  1. #1
    arith's Avatar
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    A bit of TLC

    I have not been able to do a thing right all day and went for a walk without a tripod, however I think one of these is ok.
    A bit of TLC

    A bit of TLC

    A bit of TLC

    A bit of TLC

    I like the third most, it shows its setting near a motorway style road out of keeping with the elegance of the Victorians.

  2. #2

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    Re: A bit of TLC

    I like the third one best, as well, although I didn't notice the motorway until I read your comments. I saw the obviously modern scaffolding and protective fencing on the classic bridge: I think "A Bit of TLC" is the perfect title for that one.


  3. #3
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of TLC

    They used to have every angle covered so that any pic would have either a motorway, gigantic electric pylons or the worlds biggest coal fired power station. But they demolished the power station.

    Still, it is a hard life as an armature photographer round here trying to find a pleasing angle and for some reason I didn't even want to take any photo's on this day and when I did kept getting it all wrong, and I mean wrong.

    Generally I plan only one photo when I go for my three mile walk but on this day I went schizophrenic and took snapshots, I'm embarrassed one came out as well as if I had planned it but it is entirely accidental.

    A bit of TLC

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of TLC

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I'm embarrassed one came out as well as if I had planned it but it is entirely accidental.
    I like it Arith,

    It'll be a different shot again when all those trees are in leaf in a few weeks though. Probably now is a better time unless shooting mono with a yellow filter - to get the bridge to show up against the trees.

    It'll be good to see the other one again when they have finished the TLC.


  5. #5
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of TLC

    Cheers Dave. I'm still getting used to my new software with a clone tool that aint too clever and a whole load of things I don't understand. But I found it has advantages and disadvantages where if you do clone you can only save as 8 bit but ACR is better than Helicon Filter apart from sliders that don't seem to do anything like recover, and the hidden sharpening and noise control I would like to switch off because Topaz is better, but easy to go over the top; if I don't use those 8 bit things I can still save as 16 bit tif and use Helicon's 16 bit cloning tool which also can save to 16 bit.

    This pic didn't need any cloning and it does look great when leaves are on the trees.

  6. #6

    Re: A bit of TLC

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Generally I plan only one photo when I go for my three mile walk but on this day I went schizophrenic and took snapshots, I'm embarrassed one came out as well as if I had planned it but it is entirely accidental.

    A bit of TLC
    I like the composition in this one very much. That left span takes you right through the shot to the tree that seems to stand out. And that bit of railing on the right takes you in too. I think you could have come back very slightl to get some space above the decorative finials on in the foreground. Nice shot.

  7. #7
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: A bit of TLC

    Cheers rob, I never leave much room for cropping but noticed as far as the rule of thirds goes this is bang on target with a slight crop. I could stand back a little but on a normal day would have used my 28 mm but it was one of those rare occasions where I just couldn't be bothered. Cheers

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