I finally made the change. Thrilled as I was with the grab 'n go capabilities of the Canon SX40, when a friend of mine, having seen the images I've captured with it, wanted to buy it from me for an upcoming vacation, I sold it.
I then went right out and bought the Canon SX50. This provided not only a longer lens than what I could possible afford for my Nikon DSLR, but it also shoots RAW, something the SX40 could only do with a convoluted software update.
I wanted to test it but didn't get the chance until Mother's Day when I attended my grandson's graduation from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We were sitting in the nose-bleed seats so I snapped an image with the camera set to 24 mm FFE, its widest setting as shown below.
Take notice of the gal in the white dress just left of the center podium.
That is Brooke Baldwin, graduate of this UNC/CH, School of Journalism and Mass Communication in 2001.
Today she is a CNN anchor in the Atlanta Headquarters. You may have seen her reporting live from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, or with Piers Morgan in London covering Queen's Diamond Jubilee, or perhaps at the aftermath of the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, or any one of a number of CNN news stories.
Today, however, she was presenting the UNC/CH commencement address to the graduating class of 2014. A superb public speaking communicator, she was very interesting as she told us the story of how she progressed from graduating at UNC/CH to her present responsibilities at CNN.
From the location I took the above image, I also snapped a shot of Brooke during her presentation. The image is hand-held so a bit soft but it really surprised me with just how far I could reach (1,200mm FFE) with the Canon SX50. Both of these shots are SOOC with no post processing other than reducing the size and identical output sharpening to compensate for the size reduction.
It won't replace my DSLR for serious photography, but on vacation with no kit bag or multiple lenses to carry around, and whenever I need to reach significantly longer than the 300mm (450 mm FFE) lens on my Nikon, it has a place in my photography stable.