Firstly.. Thank you to everyone for your feedback and honesty about the haze/blur or simply put my creative moment gone awry... Truly appreciated!
Following are a few shots without the haze. I don't like them as much simply because of the poses, the light and because I had some clipping.. Also when I was trying to bring out the whites using the curves tool I made the belly of a couple of the birds grey... But for now they serve the purpose of showing no haze...
Moments before getting down too, low...
Earlier in the morning but the light wasn't right and the look of the pier doesn't appeal to me so I moved and tried to blur it away...
And I couldn't choose which image to work on so I decided to have some fun and put two in one!
After I worked on the above images.. I tried the selection brush in LR and just brushed on extra clarity on all the hazy bits, and sharpened with an unsharp mask. I did this on a small image, very quickly but I think it made a difference so later on I am going to revisit the original ones I posted and see if I can eliminate the haze.
The image I hope to fix!
Thank you to everyone... If you change your mind about the haze after seeing the wooden pier please let me know.