John: I think the first is amazing viewed full screen, and like the very strong third image very much too.
The last one is excellent John , I like #1 too and IMO it can be improved more with PP![]()
I like the 3rd image. Beautifully photographed, and a very intriguing composition.
The bright red pipes really add to the first. Can you pull just a hair more detail out of the shadowed bits by the pillars? Similar to the detail in the roof.
The second is goods as it is. I would still experiment reducing the sky; may or may not be needed as it currently has a "prairie" look to the big sky that works for me.
The third is my favourite. Nice and minimal plus evokes the derelict nature of the subject. Two suggestions though. Consider a crop just right of the partial window on the left and above the big crack in the silos. Also try increasing the midtone contrast.
Nice strong diagonals John, particularly in the first one.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. i'll give it a shot. Regarding the first image I am considering a print, any suggestions on post processing dark images for printing? I have PSE8, NIK, and LR4. I've printing dark images before, but the main subject was more prominent and colorful, while background was completely or near black.
I hope someone else can answer this. I am very crude when I print. The more refined on the site will probably have pink fits but if it looks good on my monitor (a 20 inch iMac) then off to the printer it goes. But, I have a professional photographer friend print my work, he has sixty years of printing experience so heaven only knows if he does some magic before he prints my work.
I like the edit John![]()
Well done John,#3 is my pick but i like all three![]()