I think simply extraordinary. I think the "artistic spin" is close at hand for you and the required technical artifice likewise. What I do not understand is how you applied stacking to a moving subject.
Nice, I like the added baby droplets.
Very nice, I like the baby ones too![]()
That's cool. Nicely done.
I like this a lot. Personally, I would crop tighter but that's true of almost every photo I make.
Comforting confession, Mike. I guess knowing I can always reduce what was captured, but never add to it makes me err on the side framing too much in the image rather than composing just what I want from the git-go.
That said - I'm not sure I'd like this amazing shot better if cropped.
Very cool, William.
There are some marks towards the bottom of the frame that need to be addressed. One in about the same vertical line as the drop and another about 1cm to the left of that. Maybe they are something in the background but they look out of place to me.
Great eye Greg...something that will be addressed were I ever to print.![]()