Thanks guys... I am looking for something a bit cheaper thoughas I may not sell my x10 until I'm sure that the CSC is better for my needs.
I will be buying second hand most likely, ideally one that has focus peaking too . I saw the nex C3
Thanks guys... I am looking for something a bit cheaper thoughas I may not sell my x10 until I'm sure that the CSC is better for my needs.
I will be buying second hand most likely, ideally one that has focus peaking too . I saw the nex C3
I use a Nex-5n, very compact, has peaking - low price point on the secondary market. If focus speed is a concern would look at a used nex-6, has phase. focus and vs contrast. -
I think I am leaning towards a Nex... Any suggestions on any good manual focus lenses that won't break the bank. I don't mind using the canon 1.8 either even though it has no manual aperture . I have used it previously at gigs on manual focus at 1.8 & surely the peaking can only help the success rate?
Mind you I have just watched digital rev review & they don't like the quality of the lenses. Don't want to be swayed too much by reviews but they liked the X10. Also a lot of folk on dpreview prefer x10 over csc for image quality. I thought sensor size wins... Apologies if I'm being naive.
I have also been comparing the raw files and the nex c3 raw has less noise than 60D.
I have also saw some amazing gig shots on the M4/3 groups on flickr too. I may have to pay a visit to camera shop and try a few out.
Last edited by macca1980; 20th May 2014 at 02:38 PM.
I had the opportunity to use the Nex-7 a couple of months ago. While I liked the body itself and some of the functionality, I would suggest that the lenses could be considered the weak point of the system. The newer Sony lenses seemed to be less robust than the competition and I would tend to believe the reviews that criticise the quality of the glass.
I did a side by side comparison with shots taken between the Sony and my D800 (primarily shooting pro glass) and was not particularly impressed. I agree that the comparison is a bit apple and oranges but....
Could be; I only used the zooms, so I can't comment on the primes.
I suspect that the Zeiss arrangement with Sony is likely similar to the one that Leica has with Panasonic; the lens has to meet some fairly decent standards with respect to optical performance and mechanical build quality.
sony A6000 or Panasonic GX7